Summing up 2019.

Time is funny. Sometimes it goes by the pace of a turtle and sometimes a year seems like a moment passed by. It passes in a blink of an eye but one thing is for sure that every year teaches us something new. It's not what happened in the year. It's not about the achievements and failures or the highs and lows. It is about your transformation and what you learned out of it. Every year a new chapter initiates in your life. You begin the new year with a new version of yourself, the evolved version. For me, this year has been good and I learned a lot in this particular year. I'd call this year, the year of “the stranger”, my book. My first book got published from two platforms. As a writer, it was the biggest thing that could happen. The feeling of your book being out there for the people to read is an incredible feeling. A real sense of achievement. It felt very different but not for a moment I was apprehensive. I have seen people getting nervous about these things but for s...