The most underestimated and misunderstood power is love. In the world where materialism is everything, love has also lost its value and meaning but the only power that can lead us into a future with peace and prosperity for all is love, not the absence of hate but just love. There is a difference.
We have to start loving ourselves first, stop loathing yourself for the things that you don't control or change. Most of the time we are so engrossed in hating ourselves that hate becomes the dominant emotion in our personality without even realizing it. Do not be hard on yourself if you don't want the world to be hard on you, you will be hated by everyone if you hate yourself. It is important to manifest the power of love first in your own life to spread throughout. It all starts with “ you” and many great people have already preached the idea of having the whole universe within, explore that universe and conquer it with love and the world around will start catching on!
God has created this world perfectly and with a lot of love. He inspires loving but hate is the secret weapon used by devils of the world, we all have different definitions for the devil but each one uses the same weapon to defeat humanity, by prevailing hate.
Hate consumes us quicker than the deer hunted down by lion and we are as vulnerable to it as the powerless deer in front of a mighty lion but don't fall prey easily. Never give up on love. The matter of fact is that it is easy to hate but very difficult to surrender in love. When we love, we create harmony between our body and soul further creating harmony between humanity and the universe. When we hate someone, we actually empower the hate by giving more energy to it and it keeps empowering and dominating humanity. Hate leads to death whereas love leads to life. Choose life!


  1. This is a wonderful write-up. I agree fully. One thing that I´ve noticed is that hatred leads to negativity, depression and feeling anxious of the world without a reason. All these things play a part in shaping up our personality. This way, we only end up making our own personality hateful in the eyes of others. Also, there´s a thin line between hating one´s own self and, on the other hand, never admitting that you were ever wrong in life, or have committed a mistake. Maintain a fine balance.

    Lastly, good to see yourself write something after a long time.


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