Summing up 2019.

Time is funny. Sometimes it goes by the pace of a turtle and sometimes a year seems like a moment passed by. It passes in a blink of an eye but one thing is for sure that every year teaches us something new. It's not what happened in the year. It's not about the achievements and failures or the highs and lows. It is about your transformation and what you learned out of it. Every year a new chapter initiates in your life. You begin the new year with a new version of yourself, the evolved version.
For me, this year has been good and I learned a lot in this particular year. I'd call this year, the year of “the stranger”, my book. My first book got published from two platforms. As a writer, it was the biggest thing that could happen. The feeling of your book being out there for the people to read is an incredible feeling. A real sense of achievement. It felt very different but not for a moment I was apprehensive. I have seen people getting nervous about these things but for some reason, I was and am very confident about my story. The story was very dear to my heart and within 3 months I completed the ebook. It was like the story was somewhere in my heart waiting to be written in words. The reviews that people gave were very heartwarming. The amount of love and support that I received from the people that I hadn't expected from was very nice. It felt good to know that people are there to support you and your work. Especially your family and friends. This year made me a published author and it will always be special for me.
I completed my A levels. I was always an average student and to be frank, my result was also average but the thing that made me happy was passing this crucial exam without any help from the academies. I was my own teacher and of course, Google and YouTube. Many of my friends and family applauded this effort and that is all I needed. 2 years back, it was a faraway dream for me to do my O levels but now with the grace of Allah, I have completed my A levels too. It is true that when man plans, God laughs. I am now pursuing my further education privately. It's all happening.
I did an online course on scriptwriting. It was a 2-month course. I passed that course with good marks and a new mindset. Storytelling has been my favorite thing and learning more about executing this skill was very motivational. It gave me the liberty to share my stories with the hope of getting it on screen someday, hopefully.
Sometimes there was complete silence, both within and outside. Nothing happening. A certain waiting period. Freelancing work was slow, close to none. Writer's block. A blockade. I was fragile for any sort of negativity but I chose to shut the door to anything that made me feel demotivated. It was easy to lose hope and therefore everything but He paved way for patience. As a writer and blogger, it was something different for me and it was not good. For the first time, words fell short and it was something new for me. It took a toll on my mental state for a while. During that time, I made a Facebook page. I started sharing what I knew. It was a new experience for me. Within one and a half months, my page got 1500 likes. It was good. A success.
This year I experienced the power of love. How it connects you with God in a very different but beautiful manner. The world becomes a better and brighter place with love in the heart. One can indeed connect with God through love. Love without the greed of desire is the most powerful emotion in the world.
People changed. Many new and overwhelming changes took place in my life. However resistant I was towards change previously, I took the changes rather bravely. Many of my friends got married, had children, got engaged. Equations changed. Circumstances changed and to be honest, it felt weird at times but it's life, it keeps going.
It was a year full of changes. I learned a lot about the changed behavior of people. To some extent, even I started behaving differently. Maybe that's what we call evolving. I achieve the goals that I had never imagined I would be able to and I faced the disappointments that made me feel unworthy. The comments and messages that I got from strangers supporting my work uplifted my spirits. Then, there were a few people who were insensitive in their remarks but in the end, the world is grey. I made a lot of mistakes but tried to learn from them and apologized as soon as possible. Spiritually, I learned some remarkable things about myself. I grew and that's all that matters. Here's welcoming 2020 with new hopes and a lot of prayers. Happy new year!


  1. That´s quite a wonderful review of the whole year. As a friend, I´m proud of you for all that you´ve achieved this year, whether it be as a writer, as a student or even just as a person. I remember reading your book with much fondness and interest, and I assure you that I loved every page of it. In fact, who knows, you might´ve inspired me too to write a book? It was a pleasure for me to have read it and to have published a detailed review of it.

    Thank you for the wishes, lastly. I too wish you and all your beloved ones a very happy new year. Go well, girl!


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