Keep the inner child alive and breathing.

Ageing is astounding, from childhood to adolescence to adulthood and many more stages that we cover throughout our lifetime. Nevertheless, the most precious and best face of our life is childhood. Marching into adulthood is always fascinating but experiencing being an adult is completely different from our expectations. We all have been there, done that. Every individual faces this phase where he/she looks back at the childhood and desires to be a child again.
Childhood is the time when we don't worry about things, our future and it's planning. It's the time when we only worry about being happy and doing what we want to do. In the process of becoming a mature adult, we forget these two important portions of our life: Gathering happiness out of the smallest things and doing what we want. As adults, we keep our happiness on the back foot while following the norms of society and doing what others want us to do. We become busy in setting our goals, following deadlines and making something of ourselves, which is completely correct. We all are here to make something of ourselves, have our own house and family, being able to fulfil the dreams that we work for but in the process, we somehow kill the child within. Someone who always keeps us alive, close to our own selves, true selves.
Keep that child alive. Let it breathe for a while. Allow him or her to take the charge. It's OK to be sensible and do the things that we are supposed to do but sometimes it is absolutely alright to do something stupid, of course not the things that you would regret later. Other than that, be a little crazy, do the things that the inner child wants to do, be inappropriate but to a certain limit, explore your limits, enjoy the small things in life and take a deep breath from all the chaos. It's totally worth it. You would be rejuvenated from being an adult.
Maturity is important for the life to go on and it is absolutely right to be dedicated to building a good life but trust me, suffocating the child will only make the already wearying journey even more tiring. You will have to make big decisions and engage in sensitive matters. It can exhaust you terribly.
Let me explain a little, keeping the child alive means having a little bit of fun once in a while. Doing the things that would certainly be a little crazy but you truly enjoy doing it. The chaos of life is such that it can snatch away the true self from you but don't let that happen by keeping the inner child alive. Don't lose your real personality in living something that isn't you.
Just observe the children around you, their laughter and crying. Everything that they do it with full intensity. Somewhere in being an adult, we lose that intensity. Reconnect with that intensity. Empower your emotions with honesty. Do something childish. It is alright to step outside the boundaries of being an adult because very honestly, it is very tiring to be an adult.
Everything demands rest and the continuous effort of being an adult also requires some rest, take a break, live.

Craving to read a love story? Get your copy of "The Stranger" and live the world of Sara and Roy.
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  1. Fully agree with you on this! Thing is, I never used to look back at my childhood but having nieces & nephews now often makes my nostalgic about the life spent in my childhood. Over the last couple of years, I´ve seriously toned down on the seriousness in my behaviour & have started to behave like a child for the sake of my nieces. Making them laugh fulfills the purpose of my life! Only the last Saturday I did a thing which you´d least expect from my. I carried both my nieces on my self & in a very loud voice sang an Indian song with them. People passing, especially Indians & Pakistanis, were looking on & behaving as if I´ve lost my mind - & many even smiled mind you - but so be it! If it makes my nieces happy, if it means that I´m being a child, so be it. The fun I´ve with my nieces, it´s the best time of my life as without their presence in my life I might´ve gone into a deep depression.


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