The effect of changing weather on your mood.

After a prolonged winter season, we are finally moving into summers, this transitional period is known as the spring season. It is one of the most celebrated time of the year because the flowers have blossomed in this era. We see beautiful colours and magnificent fragrances everywhere. The weather is also reasonable because along with the blistering sun, the winds are also prevailing. This season does not continue for a very long time, especially in Pakistan but we love this season and try to celebrate it to the fullest. Basant is a festival that was widely celebrated in this season but because of certain aspects it is not celebrated anymore but there are a lot of flower displays and Basant Melas throughout the country.
This season also comes with a lot of mental health issues. It is scientifically proven that changing weather can affect your mental health. Many of us face a lot of mood swings during this season and we don't understand why we feel anxious, angry or depressed. Due to the uncertainty, the stress is even more extended and we end up being mentally disturbed. We all have some of our friends feeling very irritable or annoyed nowadays, there is no certain reason behind their changed behaviour, it is just the impact of the weather transition. However, if a person is already suffering from a mental health condition, it is very likely that the transition of weather may affect them extensively.
The summer sunshine and heat can cause a lot of frustration in many people. In Pakistan, the winter was stretched and the newly intensified sunshine can be further stressful. During this transitional period, you may feel very lethargic, dehydrated and generally discomforted.
I am not an expert but here are a few tips that I can render to tackle the transition of weather effectively.
1. Stay hydrated.
It is very important to maintain your water intake. You should drink an average of eight glasses of water in a day. This would help in managing the lethargy and you will feel energetic.
2. Find out what relaxes your mind.
Springtime can cause a little bit of sadness in your mood but it is the perfect time of the year to explore your hobbies. In summers, the outdoor activities become very limited, however, during this time, you can find out which activity makes you happy. It can be swimming, painting, photography, walking, singing, dancing etc. You may experiment, try to engage in diverse activities to distract your mind and avoid the mood swings. You have two options, either you can sit alone and try to sort out the mood swings or you can indulge in a healthy activity. The choice is yours.
There are a lot of flower festivals going on so just visit one of those, spend some time with nature, experience the exquisite scents and colours. You would definitely feel more refreshed and rejuvenated.
3. Consult a doctor if your mood swings continue.
It is very important to know yourself. The cited symptoms are a part of the weather's transition but if the symptoms prevail for a longer time, you must see a psychologist. I am not suggesting to avoid any of your mental symptoms just because the weather is transitioning. If you feel that your mood swings are prolonged, then you must get help.
Every weather has its own pros and cons but God has assured to put something positive in everything. Try to focus on the positive. This time prepares us for the highly testing summers and presents us with the opportunity to relax a little. Take a breath and step into the scorching summers. Enjoy every aspect of springtime, try to tackle the indefinable sadness with the activities that you love to do, that make you happy. Eventually, it's all about being happy and grateful.


  1. Another thing that adds to these symptoms is a disturbance of one´s sleep cycle. I feel this not only in spring but also when autumn starts. Another thing is a stomach upset and other similar gastrointestinal issues. I often experience them and in fact I´m experiencing them right now since a week or so. But the best solution to these problems is to get up and to get yourself moving. Engage yourself in any activity that you love and just keep yourself occupied with something or the other till these hard days pass.


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