The Perfect Getaway!

Sometimes we get so much caught up in the routine that we unintentionally get tired of our lives. This tiredness is demonstrated in the form of anger or tension and we don't really understand what's going on. We get confused and that confusion leads to anger. Today, many people are facing anger issues and the only reason behind it is the lack of satisfaction and relaxation. It is very essential to understand that we all are humans and we need to relax, to recharge our energies. We excessively drain our energies and feel exhausted both mentally and physically. As a matter of fact, we do sleep at night and recharge our bodies for the next day but mentally we are constantly occupied and that makes our mental health vulnerable to various issues including anxiety and depression.
Life goes on and there are going to be problems that need to be resolved but if we don't pay attention to our mental health, there'll be added issues for us to fix. Be very mindful about your mental health, don't exhaust yourself with excessive thoughts. Control your thoughts and try to bring all your focus on the positive things in your life. It is extremely hard and suggesting such things is easier than doing it but honestly, I am just asking to try. There is nothing that a human cannot do because we are the most superior creation of God, Ashraful Makhluqat. If you read Iqbal, his work is mostly devoted to the abilities of human existence and how it can bring about change. We underestimate our capabilities and that is the only reason that we suffer.

If you have a friend or relative who is struggling with mental stress then you should be very wary of what you advise them. People who are struggling with mental stress can be very sensitive to your suggestions and telling “everything will be alright” does not help them. They have a sea of clashing thoughts, all they need is some help and time to recover, just be supportive and try to bring some positivity in their lives.
Everybody struggles with mental stress including myself. There is a little trick that I would like to share with my readers. When you feel that your head is being stuffed with thoughts and you are unable to concentrate on anything, take a break and go to a place where there is a lot of greenery. The green colour has a very soothing effect on our mind and it helps us to recover from the brainstorming. Moreover, when you go to a place with a lot of greenery, there is a constant supply of oxygen which is good for your health. I can guarantee you that there'll be a certain sense of calmness in your body and mind when you are surrounded by greenery. Being away from the polluted air of the city and all the irritating noise of traffic can also be very effective to relax your mind.

I remember when I was recovering from my bedridden state, my family took me to our village and I was very sceptical to go there at first because I had my own doubts and insecurities regarding my physical strength but honestly, it was my best decision. The entire change in atmosphere, fresh air, natural environment, trees, crops and being surrounded by our dogs and other animals proffered me a sense of confidence and faith. When I looked at everything, the only thought that came into my mind was that we worry a lot. There was a sequence of functioning and the Almighty was taking care of everything. Each and every living thing is provided, nature is in continuous working and it is the craft of the eternal Almighty. If He can handle the growth of crops, the cycle of rain, the procurement for animals, even distribution of nutrients in the soil and the deep marvels of cosmologies then it is absolutely wise to believe that he will take care of our matters as well. I was induced by the trip and it yielded some very positive results on my body, I propelled my wheelchair for the first time after my surgery. It is a very small thing but for me it was gigantic, I felt empowered. The effect of greenery on my mindset was pretty spectacular. My mind felt calm which made way for physical recovery. I am not an expert but the consequence of being encircled by nature had worked tremendously on me and I'm not sure why that befell but it did. There is no harm in taking a short trip from your parade like routine.


  1. Ah`, look who is back! Was missing your write-ups since some time now.

    As for the content of it and the point conveyed, I fully agree. Although there's absolutely nothing to dispute it, but I haven't not experienced the effect of greenery at a personal level. What I can add to it is that just getting out of the four walls of room, just going outside, breathing under the open sky of the Almighty itself can recover every mental pressure that you might`ve been experiencing; or just doing something that you love. I know it's very hard to begin with, given the things you might be battling or the things that might be going through your head, but I say just take this step, put your foot on the floor and things will improve. I say this from my personal experience!

    Also, you`ve added an important note on how we shouldn't talk to people battling with depression or anxiety. Most of us have no idea how to handle such people and we end up making things worse for them by saying things which we never should.


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