Writer's Block And Exploring The Artist Within.

Creativity is a gift and when you embrace it in your life, everything seems clear. You realize the beauty of the simplest things like the amazing blueness of the sky. You get a new pair of lenses to look at things around you including the people who are closest to you, how they look or talk or behave. You notice.

An artist has a mind of his/her own. They have something to say through their work as poets, they convey messages of love, hate, betray and even patriotism. It is like a code that is cracked by the people who conceive their work with an open heart. Either its a painting, poetry, film, story or any other form of art, each represents a part of the artist's soul. They are generous, not everyone dares to share a part of their soul with others.

Being a writer, I feel, I notice stories around me. Simple yet profound. There are such great stories just out there, waiting to be told and known by the world, however, I fail to pen them all down. I don't know if I'm just crazy or if that's how all the writers feel. I find inspiration in everything I hear even songs. I look for characters in people that I meet, it is like I have a whole unit working in my head to create a good story but sometimes, the artist within exhausts. She wants to rest, take a break. Perhaps she gives so much to the manifestation of her art that somewhere she wears out. In simple words, it is called a writers' block but we can just refer to it as an artist's block.

People don't understand how much effort the artists put into their work. Like all the jobs in the world, this job demands dedication and sometimes even more. Artists not only work mentally and physically, unlike all the other occupations, but they are also spiritually involved in what they do. The work may not benefit them financially which is the case most of the times but the satisfaction of putting your work out there outdoes everything. I am not earning from my book but it being out there for the people to read and words of appreciation from a few people who read it makes me happy and even more enthusiastic about my upcoming ventures in writing. It is a selfless love of an artist with his/her work but words of acknowledgment and appreciation are like oxygen for the artist within. She likes attention and being acknowledged for her work.

Artists are sensitive because they are! They feel more intensely and sometimes those emotions may even turn toxic. For all the artists out there, who want to open up to the world or who have conquered the mountains of their dreams, it is very important to keep the artist within breathing. There may be many complications and disappointments but keep him/her happy. Don't let the financial uncertainty, societal pressures, and comments of a bunch of people murder him/her. Fight! It is hard, like everything else in life but worth it. A 'block' does not define you. It is a phase and it will pass unless you let the artist within suffocate because of it, don't!

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  1. Very well written and some really deep thoughts have been conveyed. The fact is that each time we ignore the work of an artist, don´t pay attention to it, don´t give it the deserved focus because we don´t have enough time - whereas we´ve enough time for clicking useless selfies - we just make sure that no Shakespeare is born in our times, or a painter like the ones from the past.

    These were great artists, I don´t dispute, but they didn´t spring out of nowhere. They were appreciated and welcomed by the people of their times and their work was acknowledged, or perhaps by the people of the later times. The key point is that no one will pick up a pen or a painting brush if there´s no one to acknowledge their skills. It´s a matter of common sense: a cricketer playing for the national team works harder on his game than someone playing on the streets. Attention, focus and acknowledgment gives birth to more polished and brushed up skills. In short, it leads to improvement and that leads to a Shakespeare.

  2. A very well and deep description of being an artist. A real art soul is hiding withib you. Explore it Zahra.


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