The pursuit of finding soul: my journey.

Life is weird. Sometimes it takes to travel the world and experience the most beautiful places that exist on the face of the earth to have an encounter with the soul but on the other hand, there are times when you don't even have to move an inch to find your soul. I speak with experience.
While I was bedridden, my world was limited, confined to my room. My world was no longer comprised of beautiful buildings, hustle-bustle of the city, social gatherings, it was just that one room. The time that seemed to be the most difficult time of my life now seems like the most significant period of my life. If I hadn't gotten that solitude, it is highly probable that I would have died before feeling His presence. I became an insomniac, it may be the effect of medicines or just the fact that my world was facing a whirlwind and it was difficult to swallow all the new realities. I don't recollect what I used to think about but I remember feeling a gentle warmth with me all the time. The most desperate time turned out to be the most eye-opening time for me, I experienced God with me. In the coldest nights and the scorching days. I am not the right person to comment about spirituality but what I felt during that time made me confront my soul. I started seeing things differently, it's like I started appreciating the smallest things more than anything. I would sit by my window and look outside. The view was a beautiful minaret of the local mosque and the neighborhood houses but most of all, the open sky. I would observe the birds and a certain stillness in nature. It soothed me. And the books, one book that I regard the most is “The Pilgrimage by Paulo Coelho”. I remember reading this book in the Ramzan nights. How submerged I was in each experience that the writer shared. It was somehow an out of body experience when I used to travel with the writer to another world and places I hadn't been to. Every picture was clear in my mind and still is. Each page taught me something new and better. I was evolving without even realizing it.
The body and soul are two different plains. The body is only present for a certain period but the soul is the real you. The body is destined to rot but the soul is not. Life is a term given to us to decide what we want to do for the eternal self. Everyone has their way to find the soul and polish it. Some meditate. Some love. Some lose control. There are many ways but the journey is always within rather than outer. You look into yourself and realize the manifestation of God.
God gave us a bit of himself in the form of soul, in this lifetime, we have to find that little portion of God in us to free ourselves from the external forces that disrupt the symmetry between our body and soul. Everyone will have their journey and for those who seek, God will open many doors to achieve. Are you looking to find that little bit of God inside or the materialistic beauty of the world has enticed you completely? Decide.


  1. Zahra, my friend, this is such a beautiful piece! One of your best write-ups ever, if not the best. I feel for you for whatever you´ve had to go through in life, especially the phase immediately after your injury where you were bedridden, but sometimes I feel that you were chosen by God to teach us all the art to live, to cherish life irrespective of whatever limitations that we face in life. We truly do not find God in others, neither in noise and and uproar, but deep within ourselves. We find God the moment we begin to see things differently from others.

    Thank you for such a brilliant article!


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