People will say something or the other, it's their business to talk!

Life is very short to please others and if you keep trying to please others, it will fall out of your hands sooner. It is a very common dilemma when you have to choose between your own happiness and satisfying others. The sad part is that most of the times we sacrifice our own happiness for the sake of pleasing others. Let me break something to you, you simply cannot satisfy anyone. If you give them 2, they would want 4 and if you give them 4, they will demand 6. The most accurate solution to this problem is to stop trying.
Sometimes it is very painful but the reality is pinching and we have to learn to live with it. I have seen many people striving to satisfy others and they sacrifice their peace of heart in the process. My only question is, is it worth it? No, because they will always want more from you.
Many people spend all their lives to please others and in the end there only left with regret. They give up on their dreams and follow a path that is not made for them. The forcefully adjust themselves in various moulds provided by the society but internally they remain unhappy. Someone wants to be an actress and they feel they can totally justify their career if they opt for it, a boy wants to be a makeup artist and he feels that he can bring out the best in anyone with the help of makeup, a girl does not want to study biology and become a doctor but instead wants to be a writer, what would be their fate? All of them would be opposed by the society and eventually, they would give up on their dreams and follow a life set by society for them but is it worth it? Would the society be there on the deathbed with you when you repent the lost opportunities? Will they support you when you suffocate yourself with the pressure of being someone who you aren't? The answer is no. In the end, it's all about being happy and content with your life. It's not worthy to compromise your satisfaction because society isn't convinced. I know, this outlook may seem a little too melodramatic to some people but trust me, it is true.
People can never be satisfied because they don't want to be satisfied. All they want to do is find flaws in others whereas neglecting their own. If you are fat, you will be exacted to trim down your body fat but if you are slim, you would be scrutinised for your underweight. Hasn't that happened to you?
There is a song that focuses on this very phenomena, Kuch To Log Kahenge from the movie Amar Prem (1972). I would highly recommend everyone to listen to that song and if you cannot understand Hindi then I am sharing a small snippet from the English translation of the lyrics.
This world's tradition is such, that every morning has an evening...You're a nobody here, even (the goddess) Sita was slandered here.So why did your eyes grow moist, hearing the world's talks...
My basic focus is on the line where the lyricist has to acknowledge the fact that even a goddess was vilified by the people so why do you think that you will be exempted from being assessed? Somehow, I feel this is the price that we pay to be in society, be judged all the time.
Spend more time with yourself and love yourself because people will only make you want to hate yourself and if you do so, you will be labelled as a pessimistic personality by the same people who pushed you towards being a pessimist. You will only live once so why not live for yourself? It is utterly impossible to please all the people so instead of trying to do so, please yourself, do what you want to do and not what the society expects you to do. Be a rebel in your own domain and don't let anyone talk you out of it. There is a very famous tagline, Log Kya Kahenge (what will people say), many people have talked about it and expressed their resentment towards this phenomena but I would just alter this tagline a little, Log Kyun Kahenge (why would people say?).
If people started minding their own business, the world would be a much better place to live in.


  1. A very interest topic, isn´t it? I can go on for hours about this. It´s alright to partially blame people for this, but in my view a lot of the blame lies on YOU. you´re in control of things here, not others. The moment you make up your mind to ignore what others have to see, a lot of your problems get solved by themselves. Yes, people will have something or the other to say, but they´ll talk about you a week, a month or a year but eventually they´ll shut up. The best that you can do is to limit your contact with people and remove all such toxic people from your life.

    Good example about Lady Sita. Remember that almost all the Prophets of God weren´t able to "please" their own folk. On the contrary, their own folks were irked greatly and opposed them fiercely. The Holy Qur´an is full of such stories. So yeah, people are bound to comment negatively about you and your doings, irrespective of whether what you´re doing is right or wrong.


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