Interaction with the nature.

We have this constant urge to plan everything ahead of time but when was the last time that everything went just like you had planned? Planning is not something that the humans are made to do and this task basically belongs to the Almighty. Some people may disagree with the fact but this is what my experience teaches me.

Spending day and night, thinking about our further education, careers or relationships is simply worthless. This very moment is what you have in your hands. Are you sure that you are going to live until tomorrow or even the next moment? No, then what makes you think that you can plan ahead of time? In this fast-paced life, we have forgotten to live. Living does not include planning for the future but it's about rejoicing the "now." If you are eating something, then completely focus on each and every flavour that you feel on your tongue because, in that very moment, you are interacting with nature through those flavours. Another new trend is to click pictures of the food before eating it, I find this bizarre activity very annoying. We keep on holding to the moments of the past or try to preserve the continuing ones by clicking pictures but my question is that if you keep doing this then when will you actually live? Enjoy the moment and the blessings that have been bestowed upon you?

Previously, people used to read books but now the traditional books have been replaced by the ebooks or the audio books. The true essence of reading has been removed from our system, we are too lazy to read and learn. Books are one of the main apparatus of learning and it holds a great significance in the process of learning, it is another way of interacting with nature. When we read, all our attention and focus is on the text that we are reading and by this, our mind is totally indulged into what the book has to offer.

Have you ever observed the sky? How it has changed immensely in all these years? Nature is open to us but we don't perceive it. Here is a little suggestion, sit down calmly in an open area, maybe the terrace of your house or anywhere under the sky. Look at the sky and observe what it has to offer. The vivid colours, artistic peculiarities and inspiring figures,  there are numerous measurements and shapes of birds in the sky, if you keenly observe any one bird, you may come across a very revealing and informative lesson for your own self. If I narrate you what my perspective is then it would not make complete sense to you because we all have different perspectives regarding various natural or unnatural phenoms, just try to make a decision out of what you see in the sky for those 5 minutes. By doing this, you may find a lot of things to be thankful for!

When was the last time that you soaked in the sunlight? Sunlight is an open gift from God, it doesn't see a person's status, gender for class, it is absolutely free and out there for everyone but how many of us actually understand that? Anything in abundance is bad but we are told that the sunlight is completely hazardous for our skin's health, there are various products out there such as sunscreens and other creams that prevent the skin from the "dangerous" sun rays but did they tell you that sunlight is one of the main source of vitamin D for our body? It helps in the absorption of calcium in the bones. I have heard from my elders that sunshine can cure many ailments and according to many methodologies, it purifies the soul. Sun is an apparatus of nature's interaction with the humans but we are brainwashed to avoid it. Even 5 minutes of absorbing sunshine can do wonders on your body and when you do sit in the sunshine, just close your eyes and feel the warmth of the sunshine entering your body, providing it with nutrients and cure. Be present at that moment to make full use of it, otherwise, it would just be a waste of time and you would end up leaving with sweat only.

In a nutshell, be available. Don't roam around in the past or future because they do not exist. The only thing that exists is the now, present, this moment! Whatever you do, even if it is a petty routine task what something that holds a lot of importance in your life, do it with all your focus. For example, if you are watching a movie, be attentive to every little detail, form an opinion and enjoy to the fullest, this is how you make full use of the money that you have paid and the work of artists who work tirelessly to make that movie. When you completely focus on one ongoing moment, you and the being thankful to the Almighty. 


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