Ten years ago, I would have never guessed that one day, I would be interviewed. Life was very overwhelming and I was trying to fight as hard as I could. I remember reading one quotation which boosted my morale the most, “If you face a problem in life and it draws you closer to the Almighty then it is a trial from Him but if it drags you away from Him then it is a punishment” so I chose to make my condition a test. Being closer to the Maker helped me explore a new side of my character. An undiscovered aspect of my being. 

The journey has been very tiring. I fell, I got lost, grappled very hard with the circumstances, and myself but I clung onto hope. I always hoped for the best even if the circumstances were not in my favor. When I look back at my journey, I try to locate how I gained courage, how I fought with such challenging issues but the truth is, I can not pinpoint a mantra that I employed to get through this phase. However, the only thing is that I grew closer to Allah and He made everything easy. I made Him my friend, I talked to Him because He was the only one who could help me. The people around me, my family, friends, and the doctors could only support me but the help was only available from the Almighty. So I guess the only mantra is being hopeful by the mercy of Almighty.

10 years is a tremendous timespan. I featured in a podcast and it is a huge deal for me because this is the recognition of my work. Everyone likes recognition, we all work to be acknowledged and truly, I was overwhelmed to be noticed among the crowd. It was an honor to be interviewed by Malini Sarma because she is a phenomenal host, and her podcast centers on the strength-stories of women from around the world who have overcome their fears against all odds. Being a part of this podcast meant a lot to me, and I hope this is the first step for a long journey ahead. I wish to change and challenge the outlook of disability. Also, I want to encourage social inclusion for the differently-abled people. The system should appreciate and promote the role of PWD's, I hope my voice brings a positive change in the country and society.

In the podcast, I have shared my story of how I recovered from spinal trauma with the help of my family. My journey is full of ups and downs, the lack of rehabilitative facilities, wrong diagnosis, and several other quandaries have played a role in who I am today. To sum it all up, as long as you don't fall, you will never learn to rise. The downs are important to relish the ups. Face the life with this attitude, things might get easier.

Check out the podcast: https://malinisarma.com/podcast/hope-on-wheels-with-zahra-ali/


  1. Zahra, you are a beautiful and strong soul. Thank you for being on my podcast. With the grace of the Almighty I am confident you will find a cure. You are already doing amazing things and I know you will achieve your dreams. More power to you girl!👍🏽 Am so proud of you!

  2. It´s true that everyone of us likes to be appreciated in one way or the other, but you´re a person who deserves the most to be appreciated and recognised. I´m extremely happy for you. I read the interview the other day and loved it. As I said, my next wish is to see you soon on some TV channel.

    Keep going, friend.


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