Coincidental Love. (Part 1)

It was a usual day at the university. Mehek was going to the cafeteria to grab a bite amidst her classes. Suddenly, there was a chaos and a huge bunch of students were leaving. She was puzzled so she called her friend Maryum and asked, "Why's everyone stirring a chaos?"  Maryum told her that a violent protest has erupted in the city and the situation is not looking good, it may go on for a prolonged period. She also told her that she is going home as well. Mehek got really frightened. She used to travel all the way from Kasur each day only for the University and upon discovering the riots she got very confused on how she would go home. She knew some students who, also, travelled from Kasur to Lahore but everyone had already left.
Sitting on a bench, outside the University, she was wondering how she would go back to Kasur and the mobile services were also disconnected for security purposes. Now, things got more complicated. University administration issued a notice that the University must be vacated as soon as possible. With red eyes and a scrambled mind, she went to the gate. She thought that she would take a rickshaw and pay when she reaches home but no rickshaw or taxi was ready to go! Suddenly, she heard the security guard's voice as he said:

"She's also from Kasur. Ask her if she wants to go."

After a while, a boy whom she recognized but didn't know came to her and said:

"I am also from Kasur and I have just borrowed a bike from my friend, if you want, I can take you along."

She used to see him on a daily basis but never knew that he was also from Kasur. She immediately accepted the offer because there was no other option available for her. Both of them got on the bike and left for Kasur.

Both of them did not know each other at all but recognized as they went to the same University. Mehek did not know the name of the boy and perhaps the boy did not even know her name but the strange thing was that both of them were travelling to the same destination on the same bike. After being silent for some time, he said:

"My name is Ali. I often see you at the university. Are you from the Department of Social Science?"

At first, she hesitated and thought to herself that why is he talking but examining the circumstances, she finally responded:

"Yes! I am in the Social Science Department. My name is Mehek and..... and my Abu is in the police"

Ali started laughing and Mehek also realized how hilarious she had seemed. After feeling embarrassed for some time, she then said:

"Look, PLEASE, take me home on time. I don't even have any contact with my family. They will be getting concerned."

"Yes, I understand and Insha Allah we will be there in two hours"

People were burning the tires and breaking the cars. Some of the protesters were setting the cars on fire. Long ques of traffic jams within the city and many families were stuck on the road. Observing the intensity of protests on the roads, Mehek realized that she had made a wise decision if she would have remained at the University for a long time then there was a tremendous risk of getting clung there for days. Neither did she have the money or a place to stay. Although her Phupho's house was situated in Lahore there were blockades everywhere and it was very challenging to reach there as well.

Throughout the way, Ali kept telling her stories and Mehek was getting annoyed but she had no other choice but to listen to him. Ali stopped at a petrol pump as there was no petrol left in the bike. Mehek pulled out a five hundred rupee note from her purse and gave it to Ali but he refused to take it, he felt embarrassed to take money from her. His ego was not letting him be gentle and he said emphatically:

"I'll take it when I need it!"

Mehek kept the money back in her purse and sat down quietly. A little later, Ali said:

"Sorry! There were so many people at that time at the petrol pump and I wanted to get out of there as soon as possible so I may have misbehaved due to the tension, don't mind, OK?"

She smiled and thought to herself:

"Why would  I mind? Get me to my home as soon as possible, that's it!"

The cross-border routes were enclosed. Ali went and talked to the police officer, and the police told him that most probably, in the next two hours they would be able to allow them to enter Kasur. Ali returned and described Mehek the whole situation. Mehek said abruptly:

"What now?"

"My Khala's place is nearby. We can go there and grab a bite. What say?"

"Of course not! I will not go to anyone's home like this."

"Well, what about those five hundred rupees?"

"I have it, why?"

"So that there is a Dhaba nearby, we can sit there and have something to eat until this blockade is re-opened because you do not have any other option. Do you?"

Mehek expressed her determination by shaking the head and thought to herself:

"I've landed myself in such a bizarre date! I don't even know this man and we're going to eat together. Hail, oh destiny!"

Abu= father.
Khala=mother's sister.
Phupho:Father's sister.
Lahore=A city in Pakistan.
Kasur=A city located to the south of Lahore.
Dhaba=A roadside restaurant.


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