Christmas season and Saint Peter's High School.

The Christmas season always makes me very nostalgic for various reasons. I have studied in coeducation and missionary school, Saint Peter's High School, Lahore. That building, the hallways, the cafeteria and the basketball ground, each and every place is clearly pictured in my head. As I write about it, I can clearly remember each and every place of that building. I feel extremely lucky to be a part of such an amazing institution, the time that I have spent there has played a very huge role in my life. The school is always very special for everyone, every child spends the best of his or her time in school. I have heard people dreaming about their school premises even after leaving it, even I have been to my school on several occasions in my dreams.

November - December used to be the most fun-filled and busy time of the year. The annual Christmas play assortments used to commence in November, I was picked as an angel three times consecutively. Honestly, it felt conspicuously heartwarming to be a part of the Christmas play and especially playing an angel in it. During the rehearsals, the whole cast would have a lot of fun. We would attend the school in coloured clothes on Saturdays just for the practices, the most unusual thing was being in the school in the coloured clothes. Everyone used to dress to impress. Spending hours to practice scenes would convert a bunch of students into an unselfish family plodding towards a single goal of presenting a wondrous skit on the final day. I had the best of my school time during the Christmas season. We had an outclass choir, they would keep practising the carols and till date, I remember each and every carol perfectly. There used to be three days of final presentations of the play, however, the third and final presentation day was supposed to be the most significant. The whole team would work very hard and stay at the school for long hours before the final presentation. After the final presentation, the bishop would deliver a monotonous speech about unity and discipline that lead to a great presentation of the play. To be very honest, the speech was likeable every year but as the participants would be drained after the endless hours of practice, rehearsals and the final presentation, everyone would pray for the speech to end as soon as possible. I still remember that one year a kid actually fainted during the speech. It was hilarious but the speech had to be cut short. After the guests left the premises, the cast and crew would have a celebration of their own. One of the events that are clearly imprinted in my mind was Sir Niaz getting dressed as a Santa Claus and the whole cast was dancing to “Jingle Bells.” Afterwards, the cast would get a hi-tea from the school as a token of gratitude. Those three years of my life were the most spectacular ones. The memories are still very fresh in my mind. I love my school for various reasons but the most prominent one is the amazing memories that I earned there. The Christmas play would prove to be a time of strengthening friendships and building new friendships as well. The chilly afternoons of December and the bliss of blossoming relationships renders a perfect reflection of Christmas in my mind.

One of the best decisions that my parents did for my life was the selection of Saint Peter's High School. It gave me a lot to cherish. Whenever the Christmas season arrives, all the memories of Saint Peter's become fresher. I miss my school and the festivities of Christmas. Here's wishing everyone a happy Christmas.



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