Happy Rebirthday To Me

Twelve years ago, my life changed completely. It was a fine day of spring when I went into surgery. I remember feeling a crisp breeze. Not too hot or cold. It was pleasant. The night before the surgery, I kept searching about my condition on a small-screen phone. It was difficult to sleep. The next day, I woke up with an unknown strength of facing the unknown. I don't know why I wasn't scared anymore. Perhaps with divine intervention, the 16-year-old Zahra had prepared herself for the big battle. Right before entering the operation theatre, I remember my late uncle cheering me up. Trying to make me forget what was going to happen. But, I was okay. My life has not been the same since I got out of that operation theatre on the 4th of April 2011.

I never thought it was going to be something long-term, but I owe a lot to this day. I call it the day of my rebirth in the same lifetime. It is a day that transformed me, made me strong, and maybe a little wise. This day marked the beginning of a journey that was going to be something special, for me and my loved ones. 

This year, I have a huge amount of gratification in my heart. While I was living through the most difficult time of my life, I always dreamed of telling my story. Sharing it with the world. A few years ago, I finally started writing. My stories reflected my life in some way or the other. But, I always wished to bring my story forward. A story that tells the world about the constant inner battles of a person with a disability. Then, one day, it happened. My voice found words and a person who believed in it. I wrote an inspired story and Mehroz Amin brought it to life. 

Bedridden Zahra would have never imagined that one day she would write and co-produce a film about disabilities. She would have never imagined a lot of things and definitely not something like this. But, I have come a long way, and there is still a lot to do. It's nothing but a dream come true and I can't thank Allah enough for it. 

I want to pat the scared and scarred 16-year-old Zahra on the back and tell her everything would be okay and that she needs to trust her prayers. 

To date, I wish and pray for miracles because I have seen them in my life. 

Here's to manifesting more miracles.


  1. Proud of you !! 👏

  2. You are real hero fore hour development of community god bless you more and please keep continue struggle


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