Create Peace Within Yourself

Expectations are perpetually painful!
As human beings, we expect something from everybody and everything.
For example, A wife has some expectations from her husband and when she doesn't get precisely what she expected then comes the feud in paradise. This is the chief reason for countless divorces, isn't it? I am not asserting that we simply stop expect anything but my point is that in order to bypass the burning feeling of disappointment which further leads to frightful closings of so many relationships we should not expect that our expectations will be answered.

The expectation is unquestionably a very solid pillar in every relationship but this pillar relies on a weak foundation and if we apply a plenty of tension on it by solely expecting from the other person it eventually breaks down the entire dwelling of a delicate relationship.
No human has the ability to satisfy your expectations. It is as simple as that. We waste our emotions and energies in the wrong direction and end up falling prey to heartbreaks. Embed all your expectations to Allah Almighty! He never disappoints. He is immense and celestially the single one who takes in all your expectations, dilemmas, disturbances and proffers peace, love, and contentment.

This is a tried and tested method to feel peace in the world full of chaos. The world is designed to throw you down and test your patience. All the stress and worries are somewhat a package that comes with life.
I have also expected from others but in this stretched process of learning, I have learnt to stop expecting anything from anyone. This helped me go through with the changing behaviours and falling masks of the people.

Blessed is he who expects nothing, for he shall never be disappointed.” 
― Alexander Pope

Don't forget to read my interpretation of faith..


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