Ahmed Shah: The newest internet sensation.

Ahmed Shah who is a kid from apparently is setting the internet on fire. Numerous memes and his videos are being shared all over the internet. In the video that went viral initially, he was misbehaving with the teacher. Clearly, his tone and voice were very displeasing and socially unacceptable to be used with a teacher. His bad behaviour was propagated by social media. It is true that the kid is very cute with the spectacles and funny voice but the point is that nobody noticed his misbehaviour and that too in such a small age. I cannot imagine what made this kid so much harsh at such a young age.
Image Courtesy: SocialPakistan.pk
It was pretty obvious that this social media stint was going to gain attention from the morning shows and news channels. The kid was invited by all the major channels who are always hunting for the cheap tactics to gain trps. It is humongous that the host was getting readily insulted by the kid in the show. The aspect that gains my attention was that even in this small age the kid was aware of his anger being portrayed in a funny way, somehow he may be feeling that being angry is the right thing to do and later in his life, he may face anger issues as well. The kid is almost 4 or 5 years old but his mannerism denoted a sense of dominance over the female host which was very scary for me as a viewer. I could clearly see a background of brutal patriarchy that made this kid so much inclined to be dominant that he did not even care to be in an environment that was not his own and he was being broadcasted on television that was being viewed by many people. The host was appreciating him being angry and even telling the present children that he is teaching the right way to be angry, this was seriously very bizarre. He was not addressing a woman who is triple his age properly and it was very compelling for me as a student of sociology. This reflects a very frustrated view of society. Moreover, he screams loudly when he doesn't get what he wants. Now, this is a very bad thing if we imagine it from the point of view of a parent. Imagine your own kid behaving like an Ahmed Shah. In the first viral video, the teacher insisted him to request for the bag but he simply could not do it and even in the interview, he kept asking the host whether she was feeling scared or not. My question here is that why would a kid of that age want to know that others are scared of him? What made him feel that he needs to intimidate others? Is it the society, family what something else? Whatever it is, this needs to stop. We have to let him know that his rash behaviour is very inappropriate and disapprove such behaviour instead of making it viral and glorifying the immoral behaviour.
The problem is not Ahmed Shah, it's the society that has made him a star because of his apparently funny but socially unacceptable behaviour. Instead of sharing his videos and making him stern about his behaviour, we must disapprove this promotion of wrong and extreme behaviour. He is a child and has a very long life ahead of him, this period of glorification can make him stick to such bad behaviour. What if he turns out to be an extremely violent individual? Then this society would corner him. It is better to control rather than cure the problem.
Video credits: Mizrab Studio


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