Allama Iqbal: A vision towards greatness.

We all have our own respected paths, destinations and we all follow them through our own perceptions. The need to identify with your own self is not a new concept and it has sustained for many years. A lot of poets and writers have written about self and how it is so impactful.

Recently due to some academic priorities, I had to study Iqbal. I had never been so interested in Urdu language and poetry, however, I had heard about Iqbal's ideologies and how they were so great. I had the chance to explore Iqbal just a little bit and I was blown away.

Iqbal has the mindset that was way above the normal thought process, he was actually a thinker. His emphasis on the struggle of Muslims in achieving independence is exceptionally outstanding but his perception about the human abilities is extraordinary. His work actually reflected the value of immensely powerful creation by The Almighty, humans. The humans are called Ashraful makhluqat, which means superior to any other creature but somehow we undermine the value that is associated with our creation. God wants us to explore that but we tend to confine our self to the worldly shackles such as age, countries, religion or any other institution that limits the abilities of a human.

I don't claim that I have understood Iqbal completely because that is a very hard task. According to my petty point of view, anyone who understands Iqbal completely knows a lot about the world and Allah. Although I have read a very small piece of his work, somewhat I have understood the framework of his whole life. His modern thinking and intellect were one of the most important contributions to the cause of Pakistan and the unification of the Muslim ummah. He highlighted the need for peace in the Muslim ummah and as of today, his work is equally relevant because the Muslim ummah is fighting and scattered.e

He contemplated the negative stewards that had surrounded the peaceful Islam and predicted a very easy pathway for the "momins" to follow.

I am in an awe of his work and want everyone to read at least one of his poems. Obviously, you would need an Urdu dictionary for that but once you actually understand the whole concept of one poem/poetry, you would actually want to read more.


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