An Irreversible Loss.

One of the many things that we like to waste is our feelings. Just like food, water and natural resources, feelings are another thing that we waste every day, knowingly or unknowingly. Nowadays, most of the problems arise when we invest our feelings into the wrong people. Feelings are also an asset, we need to preserve and protect them for the right people.

In our daily life, we meet hundreds of people but how can we be so sure about who are the right people? When we invest in anything, we are basically looking for profits hence eventually your own benefit. How can we imply the mutual benefits theory into our relationships? The world is filled with various relationships and most of them rely on mutual benefits. If you keep on investing your feelings and don't get anything in return then the deal is not going in your favour. The deal is fair when you give a 10% and receive 10% in return, even expecting more can be perilous to the relationships because the balance gets disordered. The relationships work on the basis of equality in terms of feelings as well. However, we as humans are engineered to invest our feelings somewhere or another and we cannot resist doing that, there is nothing wrong in it too but the wastage of feelings is an irreversible loss and works against our own emotional and mental well being. Ask any businessman, how do they feel when their investments go in a loss? I have seen many people go in depression and find themselves in a state of hopelessness even though the financial loss can somewhat be retrieved but when we lose our feelings into someone toxic, they never come back and destroy a part of our being in the process. Your feelings are a part of your whole being, something that you are composed of, something that you own, something that designs your presence so they are invaluable. It is very important to be clear about the significance of your feelings in your mind. Be conscious and mindful about who and where you invest your feelings. Understand the fact that not everyone deserves them. Carefully consider those who will actually value your feelings and try to distinguish those who will not. Most of the times we confuse the wrong people with the right ones and that's when we put ourselves into degradation. No time is the wrong time to stop doing it, whenever you identify that your feelings are going in vain and you are not receiving anything in return, stop giving in.
Image Courtesy: Brainy Quote
Putting your feelings in the wrong place and person can very distorting, it is like you are suffocating your own self. However, it is true that the feelings have no concern with the mind but sometimes to protect the peace of heart, you have got to use your mind before embedding the best of your emotions into someone who doesn't deserve it. The other person will not suffer anything but you will completely destroy yourself, it is always better to be safe than sorry. Hold onto your feelings and invest them into the people who would recognize your sentiments and return love with love and loyalty with loyalty. If you are the only one whose spending within a relationship then eventually you'll end up being empty, both mentally and emotionally.
 The pain of draining emotions in something/someone meaningless is equally hurting as any physical wound, the only difference is that the wound would implant a scar on your soul not the body.
Do read, Coincidental Love. 


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