Review: JUDGEmental hai kya?

Note: I don't really watch Bollywood movies but when I do, I like sharing views and perceptions with my readers. If you don't like watching movies, please pass this one! 😀

This movie has been in my pipeline for a very long time. It was released in 2019 and it has a rating of 6 out of 10 on IMDB. It is a dark comedy and psychological thriller. I liked the movie. Mainly because of the gripping storyline. It's not a conventional Bollywood movie with tons of songs and it focuses on story progression rather than glamour. Therefore, I was happy to watch the entire film which is almost 2 hours long. The story keeps you on the edge of your seat. You keep juggling between the thought of the protagonist being 'mental' or not. There are some bits in the movie that confuses the audience and like every good thriller, the climax shocks the viewers. The vibe of the movie is very light. Even the murder sequences do not creep you out. Overall, the storytelling is good.
The acting performance is amazing. Kangana Ranaut is outstanding and she keeps you guessing throughout the movie. Her character, Bobby is a very complex personality. You could never figure out what she would do next. As a viewer, the uncertainty of her character is somehow entertaining. The most outstanding performance was from Rajkumar Rao. He is superb. The way he has portrayed the mysterious character of Keshav is applaudable. I think it is important to state here that actors like Ayushmann Khurrana and Rajkummar Rao have truly changed the traditional means of Bollywood. They are some solid, textbook actors and I feel the type of movies that they have done are actually movies. When I stopped following Hindi films, the Bollywood had become a mere experience of a painful 2-hour nonsense storyline with loads of overacting and unnecessary songs. 
The direction was mediocre. I felt there could a better outlook on the movie and the overall picturization. Also, I will hope that they start making shorter films. This particular movie could have been easily around 1 and a half hours long. At times, you lose interest in the middle but the movie has the potential to keep you glued. The metaphoric representation of Mahabharata is a little confusing but good. Especially towards the end, the metaphorical effect starts to make sense and I enjoyed that. 
The aspect that I liked about the concept of the movie is that it throws light on mental conditions. It has some in-depth illustrations of how a person facing with mental problems would feel and experience. There are a few things such as the main protagonist seeing a cockroach everywhere which is of course not present in reality. The manifestation of their ordeal helps you realize and empathize with the people who are suffering from such problems. A huge shout out for highlighting this aspect.
This movie is worth watching if you like complex storylines and suspense. Although, it is a little stretched but once you get hooked, I don't think you would be able to leave the movie without watching the climax.


  1. I haven´t watched this one either but I hope to watch it one day. I never quite got around to watching it because of its average rating on IMDb, but your review suggests that it may not be a bad film after all.

    Keep posting these reviews. I love them!

  2. I meant to say, that it may not be as bad a film as the IMDb rating suggests. I in general tend to go very light on a film if it manages to give me good two hours or so. So I don´t view them too critically.



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