Stepping in a new horizon

Podcast has been in my pipeline for a very long time. I am very opinionated, I love to talk and that is the perfect combination to embark on this journey. Audio entertainment has lately lost its value and former glory to YouTube and audio-visual entertainment. 10 to 12 years ago, I remember listening to FM at night and I had a favorite RJ as well, I think his name was Hadi but with time, audio entertainment became regressive. However, I always wanted to be an RJ and talk about things that I like but things don't always go the way you want. Recently, I noticed that globally audio entertainment started gaining popularity again through podcasts. Some of my favorite influencers, who I actually consider to be compelling personalities, started conducting podcasts. It is very difficult to create video content and I feel it should be left to the ones who truly hold the talent and skill. Moreover, I am a writer (with a very opinionated mind) and I don't think I should be bound to come on camera in order to extend my thoughts and ideas to other people. A podcast is something that I can possibly manage to do comfortably.

Zahra Speaks is my blog and now it will also be the name of my podcast. I will be speaking about everything. My journey, the lessons that I learned along the way, rehabilitation, online education, my ideas related to it, social issues/activism, my book, and the upcoming projects, freelancing, and some fun factors that will bring you back to the next episode (hopefully). 

I am not too good with technology and to execute my plan of the podcast, I wanted something manageable which can be done easily and from the comfort of my phone. Anchor is a website that allowed me to do that. They have a very simple application that allowed me to record and publish my podcast very comfortably, without the hustle of spending hours on editing. Its simple functioning was the real push for me to actually take the leap of faith.

I have many ideas related to my podcast but I will be sharing it once I get a good, clear response from the listeners. I don't believe in numbers. It has never been nor it will ever be about the number of people who follow my work or listen to my podcast, it's all about the quality. My work is to create quality content and with the will of God, I will gain what I deserve.

During the lockdown, in July, I was invited to a podcast by Malini Sarma. It was such an amazing experience to talk about my journey and share my experiences. Later, when I heard myself on the podcast, I felt very emotional. Listening to my story made me even more motivated to be the better version of myself. Sometimes sharing your feelings is the only way to lighten the burden from your heart, and you gain immense inspiration by doing so. Let's speak up. Zahra will Speak. There is an option on Anchor that allows the listener to send a voice message to the podcast host. It is one of the most exciting things about the podcast, I would be able to listen to you, know your feelings and questions as well. As much as this is exciting, it is also intimidating to step into a new dimension. Nonetheless, I will try my best to enter this horizon with the same zest and enthusiasm but the truth is, nothing can match the passion I have for writing. It is the driving force of my life and I thank Allah for bestowing me with this incredible blessing and gift.

Check out the podcast and let me know your comments (possibly in the voice message):

Podcast with Malini Sarma:


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