My First Book Became So Special With The Splendid Response

When I wrote my first book, I never imagined that it would reach so many people, and I would be able to get it printed within a year of getting it self-published. It is a huge achievement, and I owe everything to the Almighty. He grabbed my hand while I was stumbling in life. When everything apparently seemed dark, He showed me the light of faith which never fades. Whatever other people perceived about me was proven wrong by His mercy and I cannot put my gratitude in words.

Many people thought that my disability was a curse upon my parents and family, some even said that to our faces but when He paves the way, nothing can stop you. My disability became my force. I wanted to do something to prove them wrong, they could not just 'tch tch' and move away. They passed awkward stares and looked let me in a belittling way but God proved them wrong. I am not nothing, I am not useless, I have a voice and the power of the pen that has the potential to move hearts and that's my victory.

The Stranger was my first book and I wrote it within a month. It was not a strategically planned venture but the inspiration came from a very intimate incident that changed my life in many ways. Many people asked me whether the main character of my book, Sara, was indeed myself but the answer is no. However, a significant chunk of Sara's personality was inspired by me. Perhaps, her never giving up attitude is something that I relate to and want to adopt more in life.

Every writer takes inspiration from real characters and I applied the same rule to my writing. Most of my characters had traits incited from my friends and family members. Isn't it beautiful how the writer embodies his/her life in their stories? I consider God to be the greatest writer and if that is the rule then it means that He assimilates His verve in us, doesn't that make you feel strong? You have a little portion of God's virtues, are you living up to that standard?

I am a freelance writer and earn an average amount every month (Alhamdulillah). After self-publishing my book last year, I kept working so that I could get my book printed. It's not easy for a freelancer to gather that amount in one go. It took some time but I was finally able to fulfill my dream. The day I saw my book in the printed form was one of the happiest days of my life. I had always adored writers because their words were eternal. Even after they go, their words would still remain because they were on the paper, and when that happened to me, I was out of the world. I felt so empowered. My story was ready to reach people and become eternal which could have never been possible if it had just remained in the ebook form. Being an avid reader, I knew that printed books and traditional reading methods will always be popular among the readers despite its availability on the mobile phone. Within one and a half months, I have given away 55 books and have received tremendous appreciation from the readers. Every review makes me equally happy and when anyone someone talks about my characters as they know them, I feel I have done justice to the story. I owed it to the story. 

It is so overwhelming to see that the people of Pakistan are so keen to support a local writer like myself. It takes a lot of effort to write a book and when it gets the appreciation that it deserves, the purpose is fulfilled and I am so thankful to everyone who read the book.

I have a limited number of printed copies available, message me on Facebook or Instagram if you want to order.


  1. Sumptuously jotted down Zahra just like your majestic book this blog depicts how much of an ardent writer you are. MA. Keep it up my friend. More power to you x
    Stay blessed and keep on raving like this!

  2. The people who said that your disability is a curse to your family, their own thinking and mentality is a burden and curse to our society. Anyway, anger apart, may Allah guide such ignorant people; Aameen.

    You my friend inspire me as a person and as a writer, and I´m not alone on the list of the people who have come to admire you for your strength, motivation and determination. We all love you! It is amazing how you´ve turned the table and kind of used your illness to make you overcome the challenges and to see the light in the darkness. Allah well and truly supports you.

    May Allah forever keep you under His divine Mercy; Aameen.

    Your fan Rawal Afzal,


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