Rape, this word triggers everybody, but nobody is ready to address this issue in this country. 3881 rape cases were reported in 2019, this figure includes the child sexual abuse as well. The recent case of a woman being gang-raped in front of her children is horrifying but this inhumane act is not something new. The nation has much lately witnessed another act of brutality when a 5-year-old girl’s torched dead body was recovered. The cases would go on and on but the government and officials would still not act.

Pakistan has become a banana republic. Women, children, animals, and even transgenders are not safe anymore. This year, two mind-blowing cases were reported, a cat was sexually assaulted by a few teenagers and some policemen molested five-six transgender, they were forced to strip. I watched the video of the latter incident and it cringed me to death. This week, a trans-activist Gul Panra was shot dead by anonymous people. This issue is much neglected and not taken seriously. One case appears, people start talking about it and trending it on social media but then, that’s it. Nothing happens! 

Rape apologists

A major part of the problem is the rape apologetic mindset. 

Why was she out so late?

Where were her ‘protectors’?

She was wearing revealing clothes!

There is a section of the society that blames the victim very conveniently. The above-stated reasons are just a few examples of how they justified rape. Let's address the first question: if she was out so late, so were the rapists. This is a free country, everyone is allowed to travel whenever and wherever they want then why is her timing to travel questioned. I know many men who travel at night but they do not have to face any such threat. It is hazardous for the women to travel late at night but not for men, why? My question is was she the only one traveling at night on the Motorway? Considering that she made a mistake of not checking the petrol in her car beforehand, does that justify some men raping her in front of her children? Let's assume that she made a mistake by traveling at night, does that justify some man breaking the window of her car and dragging her out on the road to rape her? Nothing justifies rape. Period. Rape is one of the most horrendous crimes that could happen to anyone. Nobody should be allowed to take hold of anyone's body without consent and get away with it.

How do we show that this crime is not forgivable at any cost? 

By creating strict laws and punishments for those who rape. I am

absolutely in favor of hanging the rapists in public because they deserve it. Many people will find many excuses to protect the rapist but much lesser people will empathize with the victim. I say that with experience because I've seen people negating the idea of rape. It creeps me out but it's true. 

It is very difficult for some people to accept that the sexual the frustration of such ill-minded men is the biggest threat to the people of this country. This is not about one case, it's about a mentality and the lack of policies regarding sexual crimes. The problem is that even if these rapists are punished by the law-making agencies, like in the case of Zainab Azhar, it is served too late. The justice delayed is justice denied. Rape cases should be addressed immediately. It should be a priority for the judiciary to punish the rapist as soon as possible. 

Why do we advocate public hanging? 

The public hanging of rapists will develop a sense of dread among the possible rapists. The people who might have the tendencies to rape in the future will witness the consequence of doing so in front of their eyes. Let me explain, when a child does something wrong, we scold or furiously pat him/her. This distinguishes right and wrong for the child. He or she understands that whenever they do anything wrong, they will have to face the penalty. We need to show these rapists the consequence of committing this heinous crime as well. 

Strong legislation

Many rape cases fail to get reported and the ones who get reported take up to years for the rapist to get convicted. We need strong legislation to ensure justice for the rape victims. The rape cases should not be delayed and the punishment should be public to showcase the gravity of this crime. The politicians sitting in the assemblies are paid by the public to make legislation regarding the safety and security of the masses but instead of doing their job, most of them are busy making political statements for appearing in talk shows. The Pakistan Penal Code needs amendments in the sexual crime section. There are too many loopholes and complications that make the service of justice delayed or perhaps perverse. Severe punishments are the only way to control these sick-minded rapists. 

Let's do this now,

  • Make self-defense classes mandatory for all kids in school.
  • Propagate the idea of consent through TV shows and, other platforms.
  • Every girl should have pepper sprays and taser guns.
  • All girls should be allowed to carry guns and if she is sexually attacked, she should be allowed to use it.
  • Pass the bill to publically hang rapists or castrate them.
  • Create a specific helpline for women to report and get help regarding any sexual-crime.
  • Make the process of attaining justice easy. The investigation should be done accurately to serve justice.


  1. There´s not a person who hasn´t been deeply disturbed by this case of the woman being raped in front of her children. Horrifying! We can´t even imagine what she and her children must´ve gone through, and must be going through right now as well. They´re traumatised for life! Feel for them.

    A suggestion which I would like to add is that there should be a law passed where there should be a heavy fine or a short imprisonment for any comment made publicly which implies in any sense that the victim is to be blamed for being raped. We must address this issue!

    Rawal Afzal.


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