Baking soda can do the magic for haircare

The versatility of baking soda is unquestionably not an enigma anymore. It is used in the kitchen for cooking, cleaning and even treating for some medical issues but what effect does baking soda have on your hair?
Baking soda has some miraculous its benefits for your hair. It is an absolutely safe and cost-effective method to improve your hair care regime. It can replace your regular shampoo and give your hair a much-deserved boost. The natural components of baking soda cleanse the hair very effectively and maintain the hair health as well.
Many people have tried and tested baking soda for hair care, the result are outstandingly positive. The right method of using baking soda for your hair health can provide some exceptional results and you may even give up your traditional shampoo. The bicarbonate present in baking soda is the choicest replacement for the people who discontinued the use of traditional shampoos, the functioning of this ingredient with your hair is very simple. The hair is covered with the protective layer called sebum which gives your hair greasy look soda bicarbonate basically converts grease into soap. The use of baking soda for hair care and growth is not a new phenomenon, it goes back to the ancient Egyptians, they used the immensely powerful sodium carbonate decahydrate and sodium bicarbonate present in the baking soda as a mighty cleansing agent. This cheap method first approximately costs around two cents per wash but the unmistakable results are guaranteed.
The excess use of hair products can leave behind a lot of residue in your hair show the baking soda will work effectively to remove the product residue from the shampoo, conditioner or hair sprays. It is a perfect remedy to fully clean your hair and eliminate All The Greece.
Chlorine is a big enemy of your hair. If you frequently go swimming, you may have an idea of the strongly damaging impact of chlorine on the hair. Baking soda removes all the chlorine from your hair and scalp, moreover, it protects the hair against any damage. 
Just mix the baking soda and water at a 1:3, keep the mixture in a small squeeze bottle. Replace the mixture with your traditional shampoo. If you have shoulder length hair then incorporate one tablespoon of baking soda and 6 tablespoons of water in the mixture. The mixture can be applied to both wet and dry hair but make sure to run through the roots of your hair. Let the mixture sit in your hair for a few minutes and then wash with warm water. 
You can add a few drops of castor oil in the mixture but the quantity obviously depends on the amount of batch you have made. Moreover, you can add peppermint, lavender any other scent of your choice. There can be numerous variations in the mixture, you can add lemon which is known for its anti-dandruff qualities. Apple cider vinegar works very productively as a conditioner. Mix 1 part of the Apple Cider Vinegar with four parts of water, again, you can add any scent of your choice to avoid the vinegary smell. Mix all the ingredients and save it in a bottle. Replace this conditioner with your traditional conditioner to come artificial chemicals and attend the best hair results for yours.


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