71st Independence Day

14 August 2018, we commemorate the 71st Independence day today. With the grace of God and efforts of the valiant martyrs of this nation, we achieved Pakistan. It’s not just a country, its a momentum of the transcendent sacrifices that were made during the war of independence. This was a very elongated war and made the world witness the greatest migration ever.

This country is a gift from God and it took more than just the lives of people for us to actually breathe freely in our own country but I don’t think most of us comprehend this reality. During the war, many families were destroyed, aspirations were fragmented, lives were taken, separations and heartbreaks. War is appalling and always ends up in sufferings. The sacrifices are not only physical but emotional as well so when you tribute the martyrs of this glorious cause don’t forget to say a prayer for those who left behind their everything for a huger ground, Pakistan.

We all have heard the stories and watched movies about the tragedies that transpired during the war of independence. It moves me immensely, only God knows, how many mothers lost their sons, how many wives lost their husbands, how many soldiers who dreamt to serve their country and be a martyr but ended up being injured or disabled, how many women got raped, how many people left behind their homes, families and lands, how many people left India but never reached Pakistan, it is inconceivable to actually conjecture these tragedies.

We all claim to be patriotic but supporting your country during cricket matches is not really patriotism. True Patriotism is giving your life for the country and numerous people who actually did that persist to be anonymous in the history of Pakistan. Today, independence day has become a nuisance for many people because of the bizarre ways of celebrations whereas this day should be dedicated to offering prayers of thankfulness.

Raazi is a latterly released Indian movie starring Alia Bhatt, it is a story that actually emphasizes on genuine patriotism. The story revolves around a girl from Srinagar who becomes an intelligence agent for India and gets married to a Pakistani military officer, it is an account of the year 1971 when there was a lot going on between the two nations. Although the movie was obviously inclined towards the heroism of Indians, what I observed gave me a new perspective towards the reparations that were made on both sides of the border. In the name of allegiance, many people were hurt emotionally. I saw a hale house breaking down, a man dying with heartache from the wife who betrayed him, a girl who sacrificed herself for the country, even when she knew that her father was not going to survive, she still carried on with her mission for the country. Up till now, I had the image of army officers fighting in the battlefield for the country but after watching this movie I apprehended that the fight was also going on outside the battlefield simultaneously. It was a constant strife for the cause of Pakistan. This movie just highlighted one of the army officers but only God kens how many of them went through the irreversible emotional tormentation. I had always been very patriotic but after watching this movie, I deemed that we can nevermore understand the sacrifices that are made during the war, even if we try to contemplate, it is still something so grievous and enormous that only the people who went through can understand it.

It is an established fact that sacrifices were made on both sides of the border,  equally pitiless and respectable. It is a high time to understand that at what cost, India and Pakistan were created and the value of independence for both the nations. I salute all the Martyrs of Pakistan, who gave their lives for us! Take a moment and think about that era. What are we doing to give back to our country? Are we doing enough? Is this Jinnah’s Pakistan? Are we protecting our minorities? Is the justice being served to everyone? Are there equal opportunities?



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