Pakistan and the general elections 2018.

"By voting, we add our voice to the chorus that forms opinions and the basis for actions." -Jens Stoltenberg

The general elections of 2018 are just around the corner and it is a very important time for any country. It is a high time for the citizens of any country to decide their future with the power of a vote. Voting is not just a responsibility, it is the right of every citizen to express their opinion and actually make a change, for good or bad that depends on the choice. 
People sitting in the Assemblies and Senate are directly or indirectly chosen by the public. The public has the power to change their fate and this is the time to do so. There is a new trend of not voting at all because nobody is "worthy" but this type of mindset should be discouraged because voting holds an immense significance. 

"Not voting is not a protest. It is a surrender." - Keith Ellison

A vote can bring change but its significance is somewhat underestimated. Looking from a religious point of view, Imam Hussain (AS) and the Battle of Karbala is a perfect example to contemplate the significance of political selection and vote. The Battle of Karbala was fought on the basis of a political conflict as Imam Hussain denied giving his allegiance (vote) to Yazid. The battle ended up taking his life and along with that his family members were also martyred, leaving behind a few captives. There are several perspectives and lessons that the battle provides but the most important one is sticking to the principles even if your life is at stake. Imam Hussain (AS) could have easily given his allegiance to Yazid and could have avoided any bloodshed of his own family members but he knew what was the significance of political selection and how it could impact the people. He faced a lot of hardships during the three days of battle but he did not give up on his values. His stance was for the people and not for any personal or political gain so he chose martyrdom instead of letting the future of people being exploited by a bad ruler. It is the responsibility of every Muslim to go out and vote because that is what the caliphs and imams have taught us. Imam Hussain (AS) emphasized on the public opinion and openly denounced Yazid as the ruler. When the governor told him straight out,  'You have to pay allegiance to Yazid' he said, 

“A person like me should not pay allegiance secretly. If you want, you can call all the people, in public, and ask everyone, and us with them, to have one voice.”

The true core of democracy based on the selection of public and the power of the vote. Democracy can develop nations unbelievably, take the example of the United Kingdom and the United States of America. Such progressing economies have managed to develop every aspect of the society with the help of voting. A state relies on the democratic system and the representatives chosen by the public so remember even a single vote can make a big change for the future of your own country. This is the only way you can participate in the progression or devastation of your country. 

"The voting booth joint is a great leveller; the whole neighbourhood - rich, poor, old, young, decrepit and spunky - they all turn out in one day." -David Byrne

When you go out to vote, keep in mind the value of your vote and carefully choose the candidate who actually deserves your priceless vote. Stay updated with the manifestos of major political parties and focus on their main agendas before you vote for them. Find out the candidates who are contesting from your area and be sure of the choice that you make before the actual day of voting. 

"You're not just voting for an individual, in my judgment, you're voting for an agenda. You're voting for a platform. You're voting for a political philosophy." -Colin Powell

Now that I have established the importance of voting, there are several things to keep in mind for the actual voting day. Before the polling, make sure that you are aware of the location of your polling centre and the timing to cast the vote. Take along all the necessary material that is required to register your vote. Keep a close eye on any malpractice and report it to the police or any concerning department right away because it would directly affect your own vote. In order to protect your vote, you must stay alert on the polling day. If you witness any rigging then you must take pictures or make videos so that you have a proof of your claim. It is the right of every citizen to vote and any sort of incompetence in it's process would lead to the disruption of the entire nation. 

"I believe that voting is the first act of building a community as well as building a country." John Ensign

Do vote and motivated others to do the same because by ranting about the problems by protesting or posting on the social media would never bring a change but polling is actually an opportunity for everyone to participate the real change.


  1. Even if I was in Pakistan, I still wouldn´t have been able to vote given the fact that I´m an Ahmadi. Still though, if it wasn´t to be the case I would´ve voted for PTI to just see how Imran Khan goes and how far and to what extent truthful and practical are his claims of developing and forming the country into a "Naya Pakistan". It´s sad and hurtful at the same time to see the hatred that´s being preached by PTI and its cronies against our community, but for the time being I´d prefer to look at the bigger picture - even if the fact stays that the recent speeches and lectures against us by the aforementioned people and Mullahs have resulted in our homes and mosques being attacked, protests being conducted against us and in the killing of a few Ahmadis of late.


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