Imran Khan and the "NAYA PAKISTAN"

Outrageous yet outstanding blossom of a budding nation. This one line sums up the general elections of 2018. This year the elections were a game changer for PTI. PTI swaying most of the national assembly seats came as a surprise to many of the critics out there but keeping all those impressions aside, Pakistan now has a fresh government with the very weighty responsibility of progression, development and the expulsion of corruption.
Imran Khan struggled for 22 years to achieve this milestone and now he has a very intricate bunch of responsibilities on his hand to prove his competence. His exceptional stand against the status-quo gained a lot of appreciation from the youth and educated sector of the society. In 2011, like many of my peers, I began following Khan and a major reason behind this was his determination and passion for the country's prosperity. I remember before 2011 youngsters were never really involved in any of the political activities but Imran Khan was the man who included and highlighted the significance of youth in any country's fate. Slowly I became very much involved in the ongoings of politics. His affiliation with cricket obviously added on to my jalsas and Imran Khan's tireless efforts made me fall in love with this political party and its ideology.
admiration for him. Twitter was the favourite place for me to implement my knowledge and engage in some serious discussions in advocating for Imran Khan and his political moves. The ever-entertaining songs, passionate speeches, colourful
General elections of 2013 were very significant. I can vividly remember that almost 6 months before the elections, the electoral campaigns were kicked off. Nawaz Sharif and Shahbaz Sharif were fiercely opposing Imran Khan and denied any competition whatsoever with him or his party. Rants of "Taliban Khan" and personal attacks on Imran Khan became the content of their electoral campaigns. I was a teenager and grasped very less about the hold of noon league in Punjab and other regions of the country. Somehow I was very confident about the elections and involved in a lot of Twitter fights as well. I remember that I used to tweet all the time and it was the first time that I was actually excited about the elections which were an unknown event before my association with PTI. I was ineligible for voting at that time but still, my morale was very high.
 11th May 2013, the day which marked the beginning of a very iniquitous era for this country. Rigging, engineered results, cheating. It was a challenging time for Imran Khan but the faithful supporters like me remained resilient. He openly denounced the results on the basis of major rigging by noon league.
From 2013 to 2018, Imran Khan went through a lot. From the sit-in against rigging to highlighting the Panama issue, his patience and optimism were incredible. He promised to uncover the corrupt mafia who looted our country for many years and he did it. These blood-sucking corrupt lot of politicians live for power and only work for their own betterment and progression. They delude the public with artificial claims of development but the reality is completely opposite. Imran Khan educated the youth regarding the constitutional and basic rights of every citizen which reflects his honesty with the people of Pakistan. The traditional politicians' sugar coats their services and bestows them to the public as their own personal 'favours' but Imran Khan spoke about the political jargon such as rigging, mandate, democracy in order to educate the youth regarding the exploitation of these politicians. He was the only man who actually included the youth in the very important process of democracy.
Reham Khan, the second wife of Imran Khan. They tied the knot in 2015, she remained Imran Khan's wife for less than a year. After the divorce, unlike Jemima Khan, she started spilling filth about Khan and made a very personal issue a laughing stock for the public. Her continuously personal attacks and comments on Imran Khan made the divorce very dirty and it fed the mouths of many of his opponents. She was and remains unquestionably obsessed with Imran Khan and his political standing, her recent "autobiography" state some nasty allegations on Khan without any proofs. Right before the elections, she was a part of a big propaganda against PTI as well but Allah clearly says in the Quran "He Honors and He Humiliates whom He wills."
With the victory of Imran Khan and PTI in the general elections of 2018, the ridiculous stints against him have failed terribly but now a very heavy responsibility is on his shoulders as well. He gave Pakistan the first ever cancer hospital and NAMAL university which is serving the public of Pakistan for many years. Followers of Imran Khan are not blind and do not hesitate to criticise him when he requires the criticism so the people of Pakistan are now looking forward to a new government which will address the real requirements of this nation. NAYA PAKISTAN refers to the rebuilding and development of our country, fully excluding the corruption from the state and bringing back the looted money, high-grade education system, state of the art health facilities, accountability of all and nobody should be above the rule of law. The hopes are very high so here's wishing the new government and every citizen of Pakistan, all the very best for the next 5 years.

Video Courtesy UrduNews.


  1. Naya Pakistan 💖

  2. I congratulate him, all his party and supporters like yourself who stood by him over some very tough and challenging years. He has, for the second time in 26 years, proved that firm faith in one´s ability and the determination to win, the determination to fight every step even if it takes ages to achieve the aimed successes, to run even an inch to your destination every day for years and years, in the end ends up counting a lot. I really feel that somebody should pinch me for I cannot still believe that a party other than PPP and PML-N will be leading Pakistan. Miracles do happen!

    Imran deserves a tremendous amount of credit for waking up the nation, especially the youth, and for enlightening them. I mean, "corruption" is a very wide term heavily used by the Desi folk, but we often miss the very important details such as what exactly it means and how politicians do it. He´d dedicate a very long time in his speeches, explaining it to the layman. This was a very smart step and highly admirable. However, this has also resulted in our nation, especially the youth, getting very over ambitious. Now, being over ambitious automatically results in being impatient. I hope this doesn´t go against him in the sense that they demand over the top results within just one term, or in worst case scenario, within just few years. I fear lest the very same people who voted for him running around with broken hearts by the next elections, due to the very high level of their expectations. I see the people of my country celebrating, dancing, bursting firecrackers, hugging and congratulating each other, and it makes me really happy. Here´s hoping that it doesn´t end up as a false dawn as it has been in Narendra Modi´s case in India (friends from India are most welcome to correct me on my observation) - another man who solely won on the basis of his slogans against corruption. I hope not, again.

    The victory speech by him was very graceful, very warming. It was not the same as that of the Imran of the pre-elections campaign. He clearly seemed like a man who had now been entrusted the responsibility of leading the country, a man with an immense burden on his shoulders. Kudos to him for openly not only accepting but also offering to help to investigate the allegations of rigging misconduct in polling. Very nice of him to have said this. In general quite a good speech. As a final note, I may add that he hasn´t yet won the world cup of politics. Rather, he has at most qualified to play the final. Remember, that no famous leader is known for merely winning elections, but for how he or she led the country from thereon. Again, I´m not undermining this victory of which the magnitude has no boundaries. I´m merely stating a fact.

    ".... You exalt whomsoever You please and You abase whomsoever You please. In You hand is all good. You surely have power to do all things" - Qur´an 3:26.

    All the grace or disgrace begins from hereon, after coming to power, as was also the case with other parties.

    As for PML-N, over the years I´d been literally fighting with a beloved one over the Model Town Massacre, adamantly repeating that that deed of theirs will one day be repaid by Allah in full, and that they will´ve to face the disgrace of it one day. I hope she was still in my life today so that I could remind her of my claim over the years. You simply cannot shoot people based on political differences, amongst which were pregnant women from what I remember. However, PML-N should still be thankful that that case hasn´t yet been re-opened by the current judges. It´s a matter far, far more serious than any corruption charges against them. They could be tried for murder etc.!

  3. I in particular liked the part which I´ve highlighted below.....

    ".... I was a teenager and grasped very less about the hold of noon league in Punjab and other regions of the country. Somehow I was very confident about the elections and involved in a lot of Twitter fights as well. I remember that I used to tweet all the time and it was the first time that I was actually excited about the elections which were an unknown event before my association with PTI. I was ineligible for voting at that time but still, my morale was very high.... "

    This precisely highlights my point about his impact on our youth. I can say for myself that the elections of 2008 for example were a complete non-event for me, and I hardly took any interest. In 2013 however I was glued to the TV set all day and felt a rush of blood seeing the rigging that took place. So yeah, this goes down as one of his greatest achievements, the one of involving the youth in our politics.

    1. Thanks for fulfilling my wish! you're the best ☺

  4. May ALLAH give Imran Khan a very long life INSHA ALLAH !!! you are the only HOPE for the people of this country and our future


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