The power of words.

The power of words is magnificent, it can either break or make somebody in a matter of seconds. Buddha rightly said, "Whatever words we utter should be chosen with care for people will hear them and be influenced by them for good or ill."
It depends on the speaker that how he influences the listener to think and act in a positive manner. Even the general statements that we give in our routine can have a very tremendous impact on somebody. Words are a powerful weapon that can move anyone to the core.
While I was striving, I found a very old book in my storeroom. It was the Zahir by Paulo Coelho. I started reading this book and realized that the words were actually drilling into my soul. The plot of this book was love and how it connects somebody with a superlative authority. The storyline revolves around the narrator (famous for his writing on spirituality) who goes on a life-changing journey in search of his disappeared wife. He travels all the way from Paris to Kazakhstan and during this journey, he reevaluates his emotions and she becomes the zahir of his life. In Arabic, Zahir means something that is external.
Anyhow as I read this book it became a part of my soul and I started considering it as a very divine thing that was very close to my heart because it influenced me to think out of the box. It made my confinement look very small in front of the vast soul that I owned. I was always very religious and I still say that praying 5 times a day and understanding/reading Quran kept me in the right direction but additionally Paulo Coelho and his books made me observe that right path & find a connection with the Almighty. To my Astonishment, everything that this fellow was making me perceive was all confirmed by the holy books. He actually made me implement the true principles of faith by believing and loving The Almighty.
Another very important book that changed my life and perception was The Pilgrimage. It was a story of his experiences as he traveled across Spain on a pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela. While reading this book I truly felt that I was not where I was physically present instead I was actually traveling with the writer. As I recall the novel now, I honestly feel that I have been a part of the journey and I have seen all those beautiful places mentioned in that book. He accurately says “We are travelers on a cosmic journey, stardust swirling and dancing in eddies and whirlpools in infinity. Life is eternal. We have stopped for a moment to encounter each other, to meet, to love, to share. This is a precious moment. It is a little parenthesis in eternity.” During his journey, he comes across experiences that make his belief in a superior power more stronger and being a spiritual partner in his journey, I also felt a very intimate connection to that higher power. We have made God a very unreachable sort of an entity but by reading this book I actually understood that he is right here with us as Quran states in Surah Qaf "We are closer to him than [his] jugular vein". God has clearly mentioned his presence with the believers but we sort of take this statement as a figurative one but the truth is that it is a literal statement... This book made me realize that the soul is actually interminable. Even Quran emphasizes the nourishment of soul as the body is finite but the soul is going to remain till eternity.
There are some words that I would like to mention, they helped me reacquire my willpower in the time that I truly lacked it. In the Zahir at one point, Coelho mentions "God knows that we are all artists of life. One day, he gives us a hammer with which to make sculptures, another day he gives us brushes and paints with which to make a picture, or paper and a pencil to write with. But you cannot make a painting with a hammer, or a sculpture with a paintbrush. Therefore, however difficult it may be, I must accept today's small blessings, even if they seem like curses because I am suffering and it's a beautiful day, the sun is shining, and the children are singing in the street. This is the only way I will manage to leave my pain behind and rebuild my life.” So delightfully he has demonstrated that everything that comes our way has a purpose and God bestows upon us the small blessings to cherish every day. Each day is not going to be the same but there is always a chance to rebuild what has been broken. There are going to be days of despair but even those days there is always something to be thankful for! There was a time when I felt lost and thought that I was abandoned but then I read this quotation from the Pilgrimage “We always have a tendency to see those things that do not exist and to be blind to the great lessons that are right there before our eyes.” These words made me realize that there are always signs from God present in front of our eyes but we tend to look away in denial. From that day onwards I started looking for signs, they guided me through everything that came my way, I had peace that I was being divinely guided and anything I do would be with His consent.
In a nutshell, God is always by your side and sometimes he makes his presence felt through someone else's words so keep looking for his guidance but be aware of the Satanic intervention and his continue working to divert the believers from the right path. He is a true entity, never underestimate his presence and try to fight him with your belief in the almighty.“…Verily the Satan is an open enemy to man- (Surah isra)." As long as you have the faith that God is by your side, you are on an upper hand in the never-ending battle between the Satan and believers. Keep fighting!


  1. To be very honest here, I'm unaware of the writers and the books you`ve cited here, but they must be very special and inspiring indeed to have resulted in motivating a person like yourself - someone who`s herself a source of inspiration for the many of us. The references you`ve given from the books (the quotes, the events etc.) indeed seem to be very engaging.

    I agree a hundred percent with you that the power of words is immense. This has not only been kind of the best observation I might`ve made my life, but it is something that I very often discuss with my family and friends. It`s one of my favourite topics you could say. Mind you, it's not merely an observation or an opinion, consider the fact that literature has been motivating us since thousands of years and even the Divine Scriptures of all religions are ultimately just words, but words that revive spiritually dead and hopeless people. Even today, people find much peace and joy in the Qur`an, and the power of the Book is here to stay for as long as the heavens and the Earth will last.

    About God, very well written. The fact my girl is, God is only as close to you as much as you strive to find Him or to be guided by Him. Once your personalities begins to fulfill even 25% conditions laid by Him to be a righteous person, I swear in His Blessed Name that He lifts you from the Earth and makes you fly high and above so many others. You just need to trust Him that He won't let you down.

    "Allah loves those who trust him" - Qur`an 3:159.

    Very well written. God bless you for these very inspirational write-ups. How pleased God must be for what you`re giving in return to mankind for the Kindness He has showered upon you, how pleased He must be for your gratitude and the quality of living by His Name and Greatness!

  2. Well done zahira. You write very impressive. Saira Ayub.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.


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