Disability and Rehabilitation in Pakistan.

After my first surgery, I was in a very crucial state as my vertebra was not completely supporting the activity of my neck due to its incomplete structure. At that time, the young doctors were on a strike and all the activities of the hospitals were abandoned so my crucial surgery was delayed due to this issue.
At this point in time, the doctor himself stated that a little mismanagement with the movement can cause a collapse so in that span of 2 weeks we were continuously living on the edge and additionally I was discharged from the hospital as my next surgery was going to occur in a government hospital.
As I was discharged, a very difficult phase of my ailment began. I had to lie straight on my back so that any unusual movement would not happen to result in any collapse. I was always a very active teenager and I never thought that there will be a time when I will be confined to my bed doing nothing but look write up on the wall to discover fascinating artworks from the cracks in the walls. It was the time when I felt really hopeless. We all usually see the news of doctors protesting and halting the activity of the hospitals but we don't realize that even a minute can make a difference either a person can be saved or lose his life in a matter of seconds.
My body was very stiff when I was discharged from the hospital. It was so difficult to move me into the car but we did not get any guidance from any doctor or related individual about how to manage a patient with such condition. My family was puzzled on how to actually take care of me in this crucial stage. This irresponsible behavior made me think that there are so many poor people out there who don't have the resources to take care of the patients with spinal injuries, how difficult would it be for them to take care of their loved ones with such delicate condition? If this thought can strike a teenager's mind then why the rulers of this country don't feel the pain of such people? Why are they left to suffer without any help from the state? After all, it is the responsibility of a state to take care of the citizens.
There are thousands of people out there who are suffering from spinal disorders but they are not treated properly because we don't have a proper setup for spinal treatment moreover the treatment is so expensive that a poor person can never even think to afford such a costly treatment. There are no phenomena of rehabilitation from spinal traumas in Pakistan. In progressive countries, rehabilitation is taken as a serious concern and they are improving their rehabilitation facilities with the support of governments so that the citizens would not feel abandoned after going through something devastating and by rehabilitation they can achieve deliverance which can help them to become an active member of the society. When will Pakistan have its own Spinal Hospitals and Rehabilitation centers? There are many people who can be cured with proper treatment but they remain restricted to their beds due to the unavailability of a proper and affordable treatment.
Everything jots down to esteeming the human beings. This is the major difference between our country and the progressive countries who value human beings over anything. It inspires them to work for the welfare of the citizens but maybe our rulers don't consider the humans worthy enough to be taken into consideration? As long as we don't start working for people, we will keep failing as a nation and any prosperity is unlikely until this revolutionary change occurs. There are many problems to be solved but under considering the ordeal of a spinal disorder patient would be unfair. There must be rehabilitation centers in all the major cities and districts. The construction of spinal hospitals is a very significant initiative and would be time-consuming as well but it is very important to at least consider this project. The government must own each citizen and work towards creating equal opportunities for everyone in the society.


  1. An excellent write-up once again and one that raises many valid questions. You ask about the rulers of the country and as to why they don´t care for such people, that is, the people suffering from illnesses and disabilities, but it´s all about experiences and with the kind of people you´re surrounded with. Hence, would someone like Nawaz Sharif or Asif Zardari have amongst their beloved ones wheelchair-users for example? Case in point, Imran Khan´s mother for example died from cancer and it´s for everyone to see how much he has done for people suffering from cancer. I´m kind of trying to make sense of the ignorance of our rulers, although it goes without saying they´re ignorant about the majority of the issues facing our country.

    An interesting issue to discuss is also the strike by young doctors. We, the Pakistanis living abroad, make sure to keep ourselves updated through news channels. So I remember well that this has been an ongoing issue since quite a few years. My father, although not in anyway effected by it obviously, would always make the point that this stubbornness of theirs could result in loss of lives. He was right after all.....

    Really felt for you where you made the mention of how any little untoward movement could cause your neck to collapse. I can´t even imagine how for an incredibly testing phase of life it must´ve been for yourself and your family.

    Well written, girl! Absolutely love reading your articles. Keep going!

  2. First of all you're are a really strong person! Just reading the struggle you went through after the surgery made me feel some kind of way I honestly wouldn't have been able to face half of this. Kudos to you for staying strong.

    The fact that there weren't any rehabilitation center just makes me sad :/ Pakistan needs to work on this issue .


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