The Perfect Formula To Live A Happy Life

What is the perfect formula to live a happy life? This question has been moving around from generation to generation, and yet there is no real answer. Everyone has a definition of happiness. Some people find material success as a source of bliss, and others may only settle on a plate full of a good meal. There is no correct answer to this question. Pause for a moment and think about the things that make you happy. For you, what is the definition of happiness?

The roots of happiness are deeply ingrained in who you are as a person. Some people have professional goals and whenever they step up the ladder, they feel contentment, but is it true happiness? I don't think so. This blog is not pessimistic. I am not trying to imply that no one can ever be happy. The point is to discuss a very crucial subject that has affected many lives, especially in the past few years. The pandemic really got us thinking, and the after-effects are still clear in our behavior. 

There is a very popular story in the Holy Quran. It's about Adam and Eve. Everyone knows that story. The first human beings, the parents of humankind were thrown out of heaven because they were defiant of Allah's orders. On a surface level, it's a story to learn that devil can even have an impact on the minds of the first people of the world and get them out of heaven. Also, it emphasizes the fact that Allah has made humans superior to all angels, jinns, and even Iblees. 

“[So mention] when your Lord said to the angels, ‘Indeed, I am going to create a human being from clay. So when I have proportioned him and breathed into him of My [created] soul, then fall to him in prostration.’ So the angels prostrated – all of them entirely. Except for Iblees; he was arrogant and became among the disbelievers.” [38:71-74]

However, I want you to shift your focus to a noteworthy juncture. The first human beings initially resided in heaven. God intended them to be in the heavens eternally. If humans were supposed to be on Earth, Allah wouldn't have used sharp wordings in the scriptures to describe the outage. From where I see this incident, humans were supposed to live in paradise as the supreme creation of Allah and were ousted due to their inherent weakness. Ever since Satan denied to prostrate in front of Adam, the rivalry had commenced, and it continues to date. It never has or will end. The constant fight between faith and Satan's whisperings is the core of our existence. 

When Adam arrived on Earth, He felt peculiar. It wasn't familiar, or pleasant. Imagine coming from heaven, and ending up here. The first people of the world took a lot of time to settle; they finally managed to create a world for themselves, and us, but the fact does not change that we were not supposed to be here. The constant cause of unhappiness can also be deep-rooted by unfamiliarity. We don't connect with this place. Having everything and still feeling a sense of "missing out on something" is a common crisis. Most of us feel happy, but afterward, there is a feeling of hollowness. If we go by this theory, being happy to the fullest, and in true essence is a hoax.

It is possible to achieve momentary happiness, but we will keep "missing our home." Adam was sent to Earth due to disobedience and even though he was forgiven, it is still a place to repent. There is an iota of irritation in everyone. Some people hide it well, and others struggle to find answers, a reason. 

Although it is just a theory and interpretation. I feel it has weight. Perhaps it's the human instinct to keep looking for answers, and this one seems comprehensive enough to be trusted. I am not saying it is a fact or reality. This is one of the things I tell myself when that "drowning" feeling takes over. Everyone is looking for answers; why we were created, where we are headed, and what will happen in the end? There are many enigmas in life; finding happiness is one of the prominent ones. What if we were missing the point all this time?


  1. Interesting and very well written.

  2. Love it ❤️❤️❤️💯

  3. Finding God Almighty and finding inner peace with has been the biggest source of happiness for me, but it may vary for others. There´s no particular or fixed way to define this, I suppose. An interesting blog, though. Made me think deep over it, and I think that the same must´ve been experienced by other readers as well.

    Rawal Afzal.

  4. Khidmat e Khalq k lie peda kiya insan ko. Wrna itaat k lie kuch kam na thay karo biyaan. In my viewpoint genuine bliss lies in living for others, doing for others especially those who can't repay you back. I loved this blog very well written. And it's relatable as I ponder upon this very point of ourselves coming into being more often. And the search continues


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