What if I tell you that there is nothing like absolute fiction?

 “Fiction is the truth inside the lie. - Stephen King”

What if I tell you that there is nothing like absolute fiction? Every story and character that you adore is not just a fraction of somebody's imagination, but an introspection of reality. Many brilliant authors have spoken about the integrity of fiction and when I started writing, I experienced it. With every story, the writer illustrates a bit of their life that was hidden from everyone. Fiction modifies reality into an entertaining, intriguing,  experience for the audience, and at the same time, brings out the true colors of the world.

Every writer seeks inspiration from real life. The experiences, people we meet, our friends, our surroundings become a source of inspiration for different parts of our stories. Sometimes the inspiration is scattered throughout the story, not necessarily deriving the entire story from reality. In my case, I have also used bits of my life in my stories. It is a very cathartic experience. Everything that I felt became a part of the stories that linger around for years, even after I will be gone. 

When my first book came out, the most common question that I got was whether I was Sara, the protagonist of my book. It was very interesting to know that I was able to induce curiosity in my readers, and they wanted to know more about Sara. The truth is, I ain't Sara. She is a product of my imagination; a person whom I composed in my mind, but if not all, she still has some elements of my personality. A story originated when I had a clear idea of who Sara was. The Stranger was not just a story; it was a reaction. I developed a story that reflected the truth of life, the pain of abandonment, and the power of faith. It was fictional, but people connected to it, and that's because they saw the rumination of that truth in it.

In my second book, I had several characters and each one of them reflected an entirely different personality from one another. Each character had some inspiration from real life and I can distinguish it vividly. One of the characters was loosely based on a person I know and interestingly that person has no clue that a character is inspired by them in my book. 

I remember listening to a story from someone about her fascinating meeting with her boyfriend. They had met to catch up and let out that they can't meet each other anymore because she had no energy to extend an abusive relationship. They had deep feelings for each other and despite the bad circumstances, they still found it difficult to part. I was touched by the variety of emotions involved and wrote it down by incorporating a hint of fiction. Nothing can go wrong when you infer the right proportion of fiction and reality for a story to stand out. To date, it is one of my favorite short stories because it hits the right chords.

Fiction is just an extension of reality. When real-life events undergo the sharp mind of a writer, fiction is born. Even the most dramatic characters have something to do with real life and that is what makes me fall in love with writing fiction every day. It is a privilege to create stories and I am so grateful that my work allows me to do it. Whether it's screenwriting or novels, telling stories is what I do best. So, if you know me and we meet, be aware. I might be taking notes for one of my characters.


  1. Cannot agree more on that! This particular point has been so well explained and touched upon. I experienced absolutely the same whilst writing my own book, and I wondered whether other authors too go through the same; and it seems that this might very well be the case with others as well. As you´ve wonderfully put, fiction does take its inspiration from reality, in one way or the other.

    Whilst reading your first book, I too concluded that the character of the female protagonist is loosely, to whatever extent possible, was based on whatever that I´ve known of you, my friend.

    Kudos on such a wonderful write-up!

    Rawal Afzal.


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