International Day of Persons with Disabilities 2021

International Day of Persons with Disabilities is a day to acknowledge the role of a small yet significant chunk of society. Disabilities do not define an individual, they are a small part of it. It is an excellent opportunity to reflect upon the issues that the PWDs of Pakistan face, and how can you contribute to improving the quality of their lives.


Inclusion is the prime subject of concern. Society needs to acknowledge PWD's and allow them an equal chance to grow. It is only possible once you start doing it. Start from the roots. If you have a PWD in your surrounding, try to make them feel that they are not aliens. Let go of the awkward stares. Just because a person is in a wheelchair, it doesn't mean you can constantly look at them, and try to make sense of their existence. Let them be. Acceptance is normalizing PWDs among the crowd. It seems small, but trust me, it's a meaningful juncture. 


It is crucial to understand that the needs of a PWD can only be fully comprehended by a PWD. We need to have a person with a disability in parliament. There must be a proper representation of the PWDs in the assembly so that new, and advanced laws could be passed. The former laws are relatively outdated or come with loopholes. We need the right representatives to be in the position to provide firsthand insights regarding the problems of the PWDs for a better outcome of the law-making procedures. 

Mass Media Portrayal

The representation of PWDs in the mass media is nearly nonexistent. There is a lack of awareness among the public about PWDs and by fair representation in the media, this matter can be tackled. Instead of a bias, there should be a constructive portrayal of people with disabilities. The media is still not refined enough to ascertain a PWD character, let alone having one as the main lead. Somehow there are near to no characters who use wheelchairs. People still associate wheelchairs with the elderly, sick, or someone who broke their leg. There are numerous reasons to be a wheelchair user so, the question 'what happened to you?' can be pretty frustrating at times. 


PWDs are approachable. You can talk to them, befriend them, and even marry them. There is a preconceived notion about the bitterness of people with disabilities. It's wrong and damages the self-confidence of so many people. Get over the predisposition. Approach them. Just like others, some of them may be bitter, but labeling everyone due to that is unfair. 


Accessibility is the basic right of every PWD. It is impossible to practice inclusion if you don't even have a way for them to enter the buildings. As I said, start from the core. Is your home accessible? Let's think about it. You were never taught inclusion. Whenever you see an inaccessible place, call them out. Talk to the manager. Feel the profundity of the matter, and play a part to make your community accessible.



  1. Dearest Zahra, Well done !! I always admired the courage, passion and your relentless focus towards growing yourself as a perfect person. You are inspiration for many. Keep glowing and growing. On this important day of international day of persons with disabilities there's a quote I would like to share for the people who are taking life for granted " There is no greater disability in society, than the inability to see a person as more. " More power to you and all the best always .❤


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