Here's Why Squid Game Shouldn't be on Netflix

 'Squid game' is gaining popularity among the masses swiftly. The Korean show has succeeded to amass viewers' attention after its release on Netflix on 17th September 2021. I binged the show after coming across tons of memes, posts, and articles online. The buzz was at its peak, and I succumbed to it. Well, here's my say. It is a depressing, violent, and gut-wrenching show that makes you sick. I feel it shouldn't be on Netflix. Here's why:

The plot of the show is based on a game that involves more than two hundred people. They are meticulously selected due to their financial instability, or overdue debts. There is a whole mystery behind who runs the game and why they do so. All the participants are carried to an island, away from the city, to play a bloody game for whopping prize money. It's not as simple as that. To make it even more twisted, they summon the participants to play children's games with fatal twists. The progression in the games is based on eliminations. The elimination does not imply the player being dropped from the race to victory; it means that they will be killed. After each player fails to complete a game, they are killed. It is such a messed-up idea. Essentially, every player plays for their life. The participants play six rounds of games and one of them turns out to be the winner. 

The issue with the plot is that it is problematic right at the core. There is already enough unrest, manslaughter in the world, and we don't need any more shows portraying murder as 'not a big deal.' Moreover, none of the murderers get caught and in the end, the operation of the squid game renews all over again. People kill each other to survive and as a viewer, it was highly disturbing to witness. There were many situations where emotional attachments, relationships, or friendships did not matter; the only thing that mattered was staying alive. All the survival is the primitive instinct of humans, but the show exhibits a rather unhealthy portrayal. I know it is a fictional show but still, I found it very gruesome. After a point, you stop getting triggered on a murder scene simply because there are so many of them, and that is problematic. You don't find the highly traumatizing murder scenes disturbing. It's not good to feel that way, and I realized it halfway through the series. I was obviously intrigued to know what happens next, but the way they normalized killing people, was highly objectionable.  

Fiction allows you to bring your imagination to life. Most of it is inspired by reality, however, in this case, it could inspire reality. People look up to these shows and the fact that it narrates "killing people because they're already struggling to survive is okay" isn't fine. The imagination of the writer is good, but truly, it is not suitable to be watched by everyone. Many people have tendencies to be violent and show as these could provoke them. 

Humanity is dead and people don't help each other anymore so, it is fine to kill them, is a wrong implication to be portrayed. There is a certain clarity provided at the end of the server, but I still feel that it was way too gruesome. In most of the scenes, I felt deeply disturbed to witness people stooping to their lowest to survive. I hope that the people, especially children, teenagers who like these shows don't gain any inspiration out of them.


  1. I especially agree with the fact that watching so many people being brutally killed was not disturbing anymore by the time we reach the mid of the series. This is the most negative aspect of this series. I completely agree with every point written in this blog.


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