Creativity is the key to innovation

Creativity is a gift and once you embrace it in your life, everything seems simpler. I have explored different sides of my personality ever since I started writing my stories. Before that, the stories were there in my mind, but I never executed my creativity to put them down on paper. Writing has always been more than just a hobby for me, it's the driving force in my life. I cannot imagine my life without my stories. As a writer, my stories provide me with an opportunity to explore the world beyond my physical limitations. I can be anyone and anything in my stories which is not the case with reality. Physical limitations, cultural boundaries, religious obligations, and social expectations are all part of the real world, however, when I am writing a story, I have the liberty to set everything as I like. I am grateful to Allah that I could turn my passion into my profession somehow.

There is a creative instinct in everyone, but their method of execution is different. An engineer with the urge to innovate is as creative as a screenwriter. In this new age where innovation is everything, all we need is a creative mindset to flourish. Anyone can carry out mundane, everyday tasks, but it takes a creative individual to stand out from the crowd. The problem is that we don't want to utilize our creativity. Any type of labor scares us and using our education to make a difference would take a lot of effort. 

We often hear people complaining about the nature of their jobs and how they cannot make a difference whatsoever? My argument is that everyone can make a difference in their capacity if they start working passionately towards one major goal of the country's prosperity. From a small shopkeeper to bureaucrats, everyone can use their potential, creativity, and imagination to innovate in their domain. I often think about the parliamentarians of this country and their creative amplitude, and then I realized why we don't have impactful laws that could bring change. It's all about the urge to innovate and that is what we are lacking as a nation. It is not enough to stay abreast, we have to swim our way forward and explore the ocean to extract opportunities.

The youth of this country is a fruitful asset and we need to utilize their prospect by providing a platform for them to present their creativity. There should be a national forum where people could bring in their ideas for innovation relating to their fields. Moreover, the government should also educate people about the notion innovation is the key to prosperity. Earning money is an important part of everyone's life, but if we continue to ignore the common goals, it will become nearly impossible for us to grow as a nation. It shouldn't be difficult for a common man to reach the authoritative and executive figures. There is a lot of gap between the government and the governed. I feel it is important to reduce this distance so that a fresh approach could be employed. I know it seems to be a far stretched idea, but a forum like a citizen's portal should be developed so that we can promote creativity and innovation.

The entire point of this activity is to create a sense of responsibility among the youth and allowing them to present ideas. Change is only possible if we look into our creative potential and employ it for the greater good of the nation. Are you committing to creativity in your workplace?


  1. I agree with your approach and would like to add some points which in my opinion are very very important to bring a positive change in our society. 1) Eliminate jealousy from our nature and do healthy competition in life, remember we are not born to win only. Defeat teaches us alot in life. 2) Do whatever you want to do in life but with relentless focus. Remember consistency is the key !! 3) Sense of urgency... We need to finish the task within the provided time frame instead of "will do tomorrow policy. "

  2. I agree. Making money is not the only objective that should be prevalent. That would categorize ourselves the same as previous politicians. Life is beyond that and prosperity has its own value. Well written.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Well written, my friend. The problem in our culture is that everyone, the family of each person, is struggling so much for the daily bread that people are forced to suppress their desire to pursue dreams and hobbies and the exploration of creative skills, for all these things take a backseat when confronted by such harsh realities. So people are forced by circumstances to prioritise money-making, as sad as it is.

    Rawal Afzal.


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