Increasing Animal Abuse and its impact on children

Recently, I saw a lot of posts on animal rescue pages that included some graphic content of the heinous abuse against animals. It is not a new thing and has been going on for years. There is no idea for animal rights and when you try to highlight animal violence, they start talking about the lack of human rights in this country. My question is who is comparing the two matters? Why does it always have to be a comparison? Whether it be the comparison of Islamophobia in the West to forced conversions in Asia or the horrible execution of human rights laws to the lack of basic animal rights, all of them are wrong. There is no superior wrong, wrong is wrong! It's not a difficult thing to understand when you are not approaching everything with an aggressive and depressed mindset. You want to compare and compete with West, look at the way they implement their laws. There are rules for everyone, including the disabled community, the minorities, the laborers, and animals. I am not portraying them to be the perfect example, there are flaws in every system, but they strive to make themselves better by an accurate implementation of laws, and that's what makes them better.

Two major animal rescue organizations are working in Pakistan: JFK animal rescue and shelter, and ACF animal rescue. One of them is operating from Karachi, and the other one is operating from Lahore. I have followed their social media pages and I cannot even begin to describe how animals are treated in this country. Pelting a rock at a stray dog is fine, poisoning a cat in your street is fine, hunting down a rare breed of bird for money is fine, keeping the zoo animals in a grim state is fine, hitting the donkeys is fine, letting a horse bleed to death is fine, if all of the above-stated things are fine for you, how can you claim Allah's mercy? If you can't help those who cannot speak for themselves, then how can you claim that Allah is not listening to your pleas? 

Everything starts from the grass-root level, and so does the abuse and terrorizing mindsets. If someone dares to terrorize an animal, they will develop the courage to do horrible things to humans as well. It can be out in the open or the secrecy of their homes, but one thing is for sure, they will do it. Just imagine for a moment, what kind of human can hurt an animal who cannot cry for help or complain afterward? Recently, one of the street kids murdered my friend's kitten and it was deemed 'fine' by his mother.

"It was just a kitten, he was playing," she responded.

He was not just kidding, it was a baby who had a chance at life if not butchered by a child for amusement. This child can go on to be a criminal, terrorist, rapist, or decoit, you know why? Because his mother said it was okay to kill a kitten. Many children jokingly throw stones at cats and dogs in the street, but when they get back, the nationwide massacre against their species is kicked off. That's not fair. When the children will watch the dogs being poisoned by the government and their elders, what will they do? They will do worse than that, and it won't remain confined to the animals.

I had pigeons at home and I loved them. It was so inspiring to see their nest, eat, and do the normal stuff; I used to see a reflection of Allah's ambivalence in them. The pair had a cute baby and as it was born in my home, I loved it even more. He used to fly over and sit nearby while I worked. One day, the stray cat ate the baby pigeon. I was shattered and heartbroken. I had so much hatred for the cat. I blurted curses at her. I wanted to kill her, but I didn't dare to even shout at her. Whenever I would look at her, I would miss my baby pigeon, but I didn't dare to do anything to her as revenge. It takes a sick mindset to do anything like that.

Stop your children now, or you won't have any excuses later. Start ingraining the qualities of a coexisting individual in your child. Normalize stray petting and just give an animal the chance to survive. After all, every creature of Allah has a role in the ecosystem, and we're slowly losing many animals due to our mistakes. Allegedly, rhinoceros are nearly extinct. Didn't Covid ring a bell that fiddling with nature can have grave consequences? Change your attitudes. Be soft with the animals. Just feed them and if not nice, don't be harsh with them. Don't beat the stray cats and dogs. Let them live. Please, let them live.  

P.S All the pictures are taken from Acf animal rescue and JFK animal rescue, and shelter Instagram pages. You can donate them to help these poor animals. Check their pages for more details.




  1. This is a very good write-up, and I fully agree with it. How can we expect Allah to have mercy on us if we don´t have mercy on those who´re below is? They may not be humans, but they possess life, feelings, and emotions, exactly like us, and deserve to be treated kindly and gently by us, no doubt.



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