One-year anniversary of Corona virus and AN IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMNT!

 2020 was a very baffling year. Like everyone, I was also taken aback by the quick spread of coronavirus and the extensive lockdown. Who could have imagined that a pandemic would change the way this world works? The virus did not spare the rich, powerful, or the rulers. Everyone was and still is equally likely to contract coronavirus (not if you follow the SOP's). 

The lockdown happened in March 2020, exactly a year ago. Things do not look pretty different. As we all know that the virus is again spreading very quickly and we are experiencing a surge in daily infections. The third wave is proving to be very strong and dangerous. Initially, we all used to hear stories that Corona infected one of the people in another city or town. Then came the second wave where people from our circle started getting infected and now with the third wave in full action, it has reached our homes. Nearly 5 to 6 people from my close-knit circle including my sister are infected with the coronavirus. It is as real as it gets. One question keeps me gutted: What is corona is here to stay? 

The lockdown and changing circumstances were very overwhelming but one thing helped me immensely in keeping my sanity intact: creativity. Creativity is something that is not superficial, it's a very spiritual part of my personality and I have always considered myself to be very lucky for having a pinch of it in my life. My creativity rescued me at a time when the lockdown had completely halted everything.

In February 2020, I lost my grandmother and a month later, the world shut down. It was all very strange. I couldn't find a way to divert my energies from negativity and how could I? Everything was disrupted. I was supposed to give my examinations but they got canceled too. On the work front, I wasn't getting many freelance assignments as well. It was the point when my inner artist resorted to revolt. I stood up against the odds with only one shield of creativity and I am very happy that one year later, I consider that to be one of my best decisions. 

I started writing my second book. Initially, I followed a free online course that suggested the authors should write five hundred words daily. The target was to complete 2500 words in 5 days which is equivalent to one chapter of the book. I followed the regime for a fair amount of time, approximately three months but then, the story started growing on me. I couldn't robotically write a daily word count anymore. I was dedicated to perfecting it more than completing it in a set time.

I completed the book in November 2020. To be exact, 12th November. I still remember reading the final chapter and feeling a rush of several emotions. The moment when I realized that it was time to part with my characters yet again was very moving and sentimental. As I wrote this book, I formed a bond with the characters and I genuinely hope you do too. I shaped their story and felt a deep connection with each one of them. It has occurred before too when I finished writing 'The Stranger' but this time it was different, the story is much longer and twisted. Therefore, a lot of my energies and emotions were invested but I don't regret a moment of writing this beautiful story.

I am so happy and excited to announce my upcoming book's release in the next month. It's a different genre and I can't wait for you all to read it. The name, cover, release platforms, and other details will be unveiled in the upcoming blogs. Stay tuned!



  1. Anxiously waiting for the upcoming book zahru. You be the bravest and the strongest. Ma sha Allah. Many prayers and blessings for you. Keep up the brilliant work! That potential of yours is simply impeccable

  2. Very good Dear. Keep fighting and thriving new things in life. Best of luck for your new book.


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