Happy New Year 2021: A rewind of the year 2020.

 As we bid adieu to the year 2020, I would like to take this opportunity and thank The Almighty for all His blessings despite the odd circumstances that prevailed all over the world this year. This year was a jolting reminder of who is in charge. The world had to amend their plans according to His will. A virus that cannot be discerned by the naked eye locked everyone in their homes and established the vulnerability of human beings before the divine decree.

This year has changed many things including the mindset of some people that they can control everything, plan perfectly, and mold everything according to their wishes. The truth has always been contrary and the coronavirus pandemic has proved it. Despite everything, this year has taught me a lot. This year has been nothing short of a bumpy ride, from the passing of my grandmother to giving away 100 copies of my book within 2 months, I have a lot of memories is associated with the year 2020.

In February, my grandmother passed away. This was right before the pandemic hit us. My grandmother had dementia for the past seven years and she did not recognize any one of us but our lives revolved around her. She was the center point of our home and her passing greatly affected our life. It seemed that the void would consume us but as we all know, every time has to pass, whether it's good or bad. Allah has promised ease after every turmoil. Soon after my grandmother died, the Corona pandemic was upon us. It made me realize how painful it would have been for our grandmother if she had been alive during this difficult time. There is always some great wisdom behind God's work but we don't have the right vision to understand it. Please say a little prayer for my grandmother.

The Corona lockdown was a much needed slow down that everyone needed. I feel that the pace of life had exhausted everyone but they were not ready to stop and breathe for a while, however, the lockdown forced everyone to take the much-needed break and sort things out. We all found a brand new perspective on life. During the lockdown, everyone spent the much deserved time with their families and friends. I can never forget the ludo nights with my friends. This year, nobody had to go out for Sehri or Iftari, every day was spent trying out new recipes and making the most of out of the Ramazan spirit. 

Many people lost their lives due to the Coronavirus. There was a surge in June and then, things got better. However, people did not follow the sop's properly and we saw another surge in November. There were many theories that the coronavirus will fade away in winter but that option is also ruled out now. We are in the middle of another surge, there is a smart lockdown in most of the cities and educational institutes are also closed. I was supposed to give my associate degree program's examination but it has been delayed for God knows how long.

The best thing that happened this year was getting my first book printed. I had gathered money from freelancing to get my first book printed and in October, the first twenty-five books were printed. When I saw my book in the printed form, I felt happy and proud. It was one of the best moments of my life, perhaps one of the most defining moments of my writing career. Initially, I thought that these 25 books would be the only batch I will get printed as I will distribute this among my friends and family only but with the grace of God, I was wrong. I ended up giving out a hundred copies of my book to the people who were interested in reading my work. The feeling of being recognized and acknowledged by your readers is something that a non-writer would never understand. When somebody reads your book and connects with your story, it feels like you have shared a piece of your soul with them. It was an incredible and most satisfying experience. On the other hand, I completed the manuscript of my second book this year. I started in March and completed it in November. These were one of the most creatively active months of the year and now begins the difficult part of publishing a book; editing and rewriting. The second book is a crime thriller and I am really gutted to publish it next year. Being a writer, all you can do is give your hundred percent and hope that the readers connect with your story. I have faith in God and I am looking ahead at 2021 with a lot of hope.

This year, my social activism found its voice. I realized that rehabilitation and accessible education for people with disabilities are the causes that I want to highlight through my work. I met with the governor of Punjab and shared my ideas related to the same. I prepared a booklet compiling all my ideas and presented it to the honorable governor. I was selected as a country Ambassador for the world peace organization. Moreover, I was given lifetime membership of all ladies league (ALL), it is a global sisterhood working for the economic independence of women all over the world.

2020 was a bittersweet year and here is wishing that 2021 has nothing bitter but only sweetness to offer. Wishing everyone a Happy New Year and I hope the next year only brings health, progress, and happiness in our lives. Stay well and most importantly, stay Corona-free.


  1. Aik plan hai jo hm karte hai aur aik plan hai jo Allah kerta and He is definitely the best planner 😊 jo saal guzra jaisa guzra, many of us survive and we are thankful for that and for those who passed away prayers for them and their families especially for your grandmother.
    Aah we for sure all had good days as it connect many of us through ludo game 😁
    Baki for you I will not say that this is the beginning because you were always successful, now the best is coming out from you. And I believe you are going to be more and more successful in the coming days 😊
    Best of luck 👍🏻
    Happy new year to everyone ❤

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Firstly, wish you a very happy new year!

    I loved the progress that you made this year. Love seeing your Instagram posts and the reviews that your book has been receiving the recent while. Also looking forward to your second book already! May Allah bless you with even more strength and power to keep providing us with the stuff to read; Aameen.

    Please accept my heartfelt condolences on the demise of your grand-mother. It must´ve been tough on you, definitely.

    Here´s hoping for a Corona-free world soon!

    Warm regards,
    Rawal Afzal.

  4. I see now that You've always been an avid and connoisseur writer which came into that deserving limelight last year. Your work is impressive as you're encompassing the art to get your soul ingrained in your writings. More power and fortune to you my friend. Beautifully jotted. Happy New Year! Many blessings and regards.
    Mohammad Taqi Mirza


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