The Zeal of Sacrifice on Eid-ul-Adha.

Another Eid in lockdown. I really hope that we manage to shoo Corona away as soon as possible. This Eid is very important and it is considered to be the Bari (big) Eid. The significance of this Eid is associated with the essence of sacrifices and unity. We sacrifice millions of animals every year and according to the Islamic rules, the meat is distributed. Islamic rules are very clear and fair. The charity has a high regard in Islam, the distribution of meat among the poor and needy is another example of how fair the system of Islam is. By sharing our happiness with others, a sense of brotherhood and equality is established. Islam does not proclaim the act of charity to be done among the Muslims only, Allah has ordered us to help the poor and needy despite their color, religion, race, and religion. It is very important to keep in mind that our Lord is the Lord of the Universe. His bounties are not confined, they are all-conceiving and endless. 

Have you seen the footage from Hajj? There is no discrimination and everyone is equal in the eyes of Allah. That is what the system of Islam is all about. There is no prejudice. No one is superior to the other. I don't understand what is so confusing in it. The system of Islam is simple, it is a humanitarian mode of life with the firm belief on Allah and His mercy. Why do we present the fiery side of Allah the most when He calls Himself Rehman in Quran? Study about your religion and clear your concepts before spewing hate online and otherwise. Allah will not forgive Haqooqul Ibaad, remember that.

This Eid, let's sacrifice all the hatred and malice from our hearts. Let's try to be more patient towards those who have a different opinion than ours. Let's truly sacrifice for the sake of pleasing Allah and not showing off to your peers. The true essence of sacrifice is when you give away something very close to your heart, it can also be implied to a bad habit which is engraved in your personality. This is the right opportunity to give up on that to please Allah. The intent to sacrifice is the most significant structure of this Eid. We belong to a very glorified history of sacrifice, from Jesus Christ to Imam Hussain (AS). Try to understand the meaning of sacrifice from the crucifixion of Jesus Christ and the brutality that Imam Hussain (AS) and his family faced in Karbala. Try to understand the intent. 

 Their meat will not reach Allah, nor will their blood, but what reaches Him is piety from you. Thus have We subjected them to you that you may glorify Allah for that [to] which He has guided you; give good tidings to the doers of good.

Allah wants us to share our blessings. If you were able to buy a beautiful animal to sacrifice this Eid, you are being favored by Allah and you must share your blessing with those who cannot afford it. The meat that you relish on Eid is your right but you also must distribute it among those who can probably only savor meat if you share it with them. Sharing your blessing is a form of gratitude and Allah always pays back for gratitude with much more than you gave in the first place.

Happy Eid everyone! 😀


  1. Beautiful, as always. I in particular loved the point about letting go our hatred and malice. Our society is plagued by intolerance and extremism, so reading such a positive write-up really cheered me up.

    It´s true; unless and until we understand the purpose of sacrifice and don´t reform our conduct, the symbolic practice of sacrificing animals holds very little value.

    Eid Mubaarak to you my friend and all your beloved ones.

    Rawal Afzal.


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