Happy Women's Day 2020

Happy Women's Day to all the wonderful warriors who fight their battles daily with a lot of grace and pride. It is impossible to comprehend the strength of a woman. She goes through a lot of stages in her life, a daughter, a sister, a wife, a mother. One common thing in all phases of her life is the strength with which she continues to strive.
It is not easy to be a woman. Not everyone has the power to face the circumstances with so much patience. A woman can teach you to be resilient despite the circumstances. I draw inspiration from many women in this world who have taught me to stay firm in the face of hardships. The most important woman whom I adore you more than anyone else is Bibi Fatima (AS), the daughter of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). From a very young age, I started listening to the stories of strength. How strongly she had to face the events in her life and brought up the most incredible children in the world. Despite everything, she worked hard throughout her life. She is the personification of strength for me. She taught me patience.
Bibi Zainab (AS), the sister of Imam Hussain (AS) is the ideal representation of women empowerment for me. After the tragic incident of Karbala took place, she was the leader who raised the flag of right against wrong in the face of the most outrageous opposition. She spoke the truth in the most difficult time. Her determination and strength is the most evident example of how a woman can create history. The journey from Karbala to Syria was painful for all the ladies of the Prophet's family, but Bibi Zainab (AS) remained steadfast and challenged the enemies of truth at every point. If you want to discern the strength of a Muslim woman, read the sermon of Bibi Zainab (AS) in the courtyard of Yazid after the events of Karbala. She roared like a tigress and threatened the most powerful man in the courtyard just with her voice. The future of Islam was saved because of her. The truth came forward because of her. We know the events of Karbala rightly because of her. It was the woman who unveiled the foes of Islam to protect Islam. She taught me to be courageous.
Bibi Maryam (AS), the mother of Hazrat Isa (AS). She was the most pious lady protected her dignity in the most fierce time. Despite the circumstances, she remained truthful to the bigger cause and never got afraid of what the society said. Her courage is exemplary because she faced a lot of struggles throughout her life but never gave up. In Quran, the name of Hazrat Isa (AS) is always taken with her. She is the most stated lady in the Quran. There is a Surah named after her. She stood by Hazrat Isa (AS) in all his struggles, protected him when everyone stood against him. She was a lady who safeguarded the prophet of Allah. She taught me to be staunch to the truth even if the whole world is against you.
Bibi Khatijah (AS), the wife of the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him), was a businesswoman. Her contribution to the cause of Islam is undeniable. She aided the cause both financially and morally. The life of this amazing woman showcases how an independent woman can achieve an immense status with the help of her never losing confidence. She approached the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) herself for marriage and holds very high regard in his life. The life of Bibi Khatijah (AS) tells us a lot about the role of women in the flourishment of Islam. She taught me that the best thing a woman can do is to be independent and modest.
There are plenty of women who truly manifest the spirit of God in their daily life. God compared His love with the love of a mother which is a clear example of how the love of a woman is supreme and great. It is an honor to be a woman. Cherish womanhood. Celebrate their courage. Respect them the most because they transform a house into a home. They train the future of society. Don't insult or abuse. Amid the debate of man vs. woman, let's not forget its actually right vs. wrong. 


  1. Masha´Allah, another good read which mentions some really pious and inspirational ladies. The Messenger of Allah had also said that paradise lies under the feet of one´s mother, and I can´t imagine better words than these ever being uttered by a human-being in the respect of women.

    Also, I thought of adding the names of a couple of more ladies revered in Islam: Hadhrat Aasiya, the wife of Pharaoh, and the mother of Prophet Moses.

    Again, thank you for writing this. Loved the last paragraph.

  2. So well written. Thank you for your positive outlook.


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