Quarantine getting over, Nostagia, and Lessons.

As we are heading to an end of the quarantine period, I feel bittersweet. The time in quarantine has proven to be very eye-opening for me. It turns out that it's actually about prioritizing and not the time. People take out time for those whom they want to. Previously whenever I would ask one of my friends to play an online Ludo game with me or whenever I would ask my family members to sit together and watch something on the tea time, the answer would always be the same, there is no time. Everybody was so much stuck with studies, work, or other things that nobody had time for each other. The human relationship and intimacy were slowly dying a natural death. It's probably not right to find this period beneficial in any way but I am noticing a minor but significant change in the human relationships around. I can notice the change, it is very much familiar to my childhood when the internet and technology were minimal or absent. The human relationships were present and much purer. ...